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I sat in my office at the pack house, I had just gotten off of the phone with my mate who had informed me that my Aunt and sister had left to get Raven registered for school.

I was so grateful for my Aunt's help, I wouldn't even begin to know where to start with getting a 17 year old girl set up in a new country.

My phone rang and I answered it immediately.

"Royce Highfield."

"Guess which handsome mother fucker is standin' in blimey ol London." Ryland said, giving me the worst british accent ever at the end."

I smiled, "Hey man, you don't know how much more easy you just made my life... I'll send a car for you."

"Cool." He sounded before he gave me the info as to where exactly he was and I jotted it down before hanging up and getting one of my guys to go and pick him up.

Just then my Aunt and sister walked in and I smiled once more. "There's two of my favorite people."

Aunt Nat walked over and placed the bags near the stairs before she hugged me. Raven followed suit.

"I'm having a family dinner tonight, nothing too fancy, but scrub up and make sure you're both there along with Alexia."

I nodded.

"If I can just run these upstairs real quick and get changed I don't mind coming with you to help, if you'd want me to help of course." Raven offered my Aunt.

"I'm always grateful for help when it's offered, go on up and take your time, I'm in no rush sweetie."

I watched as my sister collected her bags and rushed up the stairs.

"She's a doll Royce."

I smiled, "Yeah, it's weird but every since I met her I've been super protective of her and love having her as my little sister."

My aunt smiled, "I'm glad you have found love for your siblings, and she really seems like a great kid...a little headstrong, though I'm sure that's from her mothers side as yours is also from your mother's side." She smirked. "Your father was always a push over."

I smirked, "don't let Ray hear you say that she despises her mother...but she seems like she had fun today."

"I know I sure did," my Aunt smiled fondly as she thought about her day. " I'll tell you what, those girls reminded me of your mom and I back in the day." She smiled. "So young, both in new places, taking on these big obstacles...she'll always remember this time in her life."

"I hope she remember this time fondly." I sighed.

"Hey I want you to have your own fond memories as well Sweetheart." She said as she pulled me into another hug and kissed my cheek.

"I think I will...this year I've taken on the Alpha role, I'm getting married here pretty soon, my sisters here, and my best friend just arrived."

"Oh is it the young man who's going to be Beta?"

I nodded, "yep , I've just sent a car to pick him up."

"I'm ready when you are." Raven sounded as she came down the stairs looking very pretty in a dark green dress."

"Well aren't you just the prettiest thing." Aunt Nat sounded.

Raven rolled her eyes and shook her head, "I happen to think I looked just fine before in my jeans and old t-shirt."

I smiled and shook my own head, "Always so much attitude...anyways I'll meet you both there, I've got to finish up here before I can head over to my place to get ready and pick up my mate."

Aunt Nat kissed my cheek once more before she and Raven took off for the evening. I went back into my office and called Alexia really quick just to tell her about the dinner tonight.

And just as I was about to hang up, in walked Ryland grinning from ear to ear, "I gotta go babe, I'll see you in a while." I hung up and approached my friend with a brotherly hug.

"Hey nice beard bro." He sounded.

"Thanks man, I was going for that boss shit."

We laughed and then I had to get serious again, "alright bro, you sure you can do this, there's no backing out once you accept."

"Dude, I accepted when you asked a year ago...just call up the old fuckers and lets get this show on the road because my wolf's going crazy...I think he wants to go for a run or something."

It was understandable, he was just on a plane for well over 10hrs.

I called up the council members and they took his verbal acceptance over the phone and once that was done I helped him with all of his luggage and got him settled into a room here in the pack house.

"Sorry man but I actually have a dinner to get to, make yourself at home, theres kitchen staff and guards 24/7 as well as a couple of cars if you need to go anywhere...and feel free to shift wherever...get any shit from anyone and just give me a call...we'll get you presented soon and then everyone will know who you are."

I left and went to pick up my mate.



Aunt Nat is probably the coolest adult in the world alongside her very intimidating looking husband who was actually very, very friendly.

And Royce's grandparents were so incredibly warm and welcoming...even to me I mean everyone here had every right to treat me like shit after what my dad did to their daughter.

But not one of them treated me any differently than they treated Royce. For a minute I pretended that this is what my life would be like if Royce and I were full siblings...like Royce's mother hadn't died and somehow all those years my dad would go and be with her and they had me...but sadly I knew it wasn't the truth.

I hated my mother for them.

After dinner I stayed behind and helped Aunt Nat clean up and her husband Charles suggested I just stay the night since it was already so late. Aunt Nat loved the idea so much and even offered me some of her pajamas and I was grateful once again for their kindness.

As much as I wanted my independence, it was pretty lonely there at the pack house by myself.

I slept comfortably in the soft bed in their lovely guest-room and closed my eyes as I reflected upon todays events, I was glad I had decided to come here...I had, had my doubts, but at the end of the day...this was something I felt deep down that I had to do, almost like I was called over here.

Of course only time will tell now.

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