Good Morning

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I woke up the next morning and didn't move one inch, I made sure my breathing was still even and that I wasn't thinking about anything because I wanted to enjoy this for a moment longer. Plus if Ryland was asleep then I didn't want to wake him up

We were in the exact same position as last night so I knew neither of us moved. I can only speak for myself but I had slept quite comfortably.

I finally moved my head down and kissed his shoulder to let him know I was awake.

He kissed my hair and wrapped his arms around me a little tighter as he hugged me now, "Good morning." He said as he kissed my hair once again.

With my eyes closed I smiled in contentment as I relished the feeling. "Good morning."

"I don't want to get up." He grumbled.

I chuckled, "Me neither..." I said before I sluggishly sat up and stretched my arms out, He remained laying in the samespot and smiled up at me.

He had slightly puffy eyes and dishelved hair but still looked hot as on the other hand, well who knows what I look like?

"I should get going," He said sitting up alongside me now, I nodded. As much I didn't want him to go, I knew we both didn't want to get caught together by my brother or dad.

"Got any plans for today?" I asked, I really wanted to spend the day with him.

"I actually do, I have to meet the War Dogs today so if I'm not mistaken it's going to be just you and your dad today."

I shook my head, "I've got to finish the presentation party for the needy that Beta." I teased.

He smirked and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. "We better get moving since we're both busy then."

He sighed, "Fine."

We both got up and started grabbing our clothes for the day before we he went into the restroom to get ready. I used that time to get dressed into today's outfit of choice. My phone rang and I answered it only to find my dad.

"Good morning Dad." I said with a smile.

"Hey you're up...I was just going to leave a message to say we should have lunch together or something."

"Well we can definitely have breakfast if you'd like but I have to meet with Nat sometime today to help her with Ryland's presentation."

"Sounds like a plan baby girl,"

Ryland walked into the room and I smiled at him, "I'll be at the pack house soon... Ryland is already on his way to pick me up anyways."

He smirked but remained silent.

"Alright Raven, I'll see you soon."

We told each other bye and hung-up.

"I know he's not my Alpha anymore but I still can't help but feel weird about sneaking around behind his back ya know?" He said a little uneasy.

I sighed and moved to wrap my arms around his waist, "It's only for a little least until he gets used to us...I know he says he's fine with it, but realistically this all still new to him."

He looked at me, smirked and kissed me, "I love you."

Everything in me seemed to radiate with his love as he said it, "I love you too."

And saying it out loud wasn't as nerve wracking and worrisome as I had stressed about with my brother

"Oh good you two are up." Nat suddenly said, Charles in tow.

We smiled at them and nodded. "We were actually just about to take off, I'm suppose to meet my Dad for breakfast and Ryland has to meet with Royce for Beta stuff."

"Can you let your dad know that My parent's have invited them over for lunch?" Charles sounded.

"Which gives us the best opportunity to wrap up our planning on Ryland's presentation." Nat smiled.

"Perfect." I smiled, Ryland and I thanked Nat and Charles once again for allowing us to stay over and we finally took of.

Once we were in the car together He took his keys and removed one from the key-ring.

"Here you go Princess...this is to our place, I'll take you by whenever you want but at least my knowing you have a key eases my wolf...I'll text you the address too so you can have it on hand in case of emergencies."

He started the engine, put the car into drive, and grabbed my hand.


"It's a shame Ryland couldn't stay for breakfast." Dad commented as we sat down in the dining room to what looked like a breakfast buffet.

"He had to meet Royce for Beta duties...Oh and Charles said you were invited to lunch with His parents so that's when I'm meeting Nat."

He nodded. "Sounds like you're gonna need a planner book here pretty soon."

I scrunched my nose in distaste, I always hated seeing my mother with her planner book.

"Hey dad...can I ask you something?"

He nodded as he drank his coffee and put down the newspaper he was reading.

"Uh, I never asked you...Are you upset that Royce and I turned down your offer to run the pack...or like, are you sad that it's left to Bry knowing that he isn't your son?"

My dad offered me a soft smile and he shook his head.

"I couldn't ever be upset with you and your brother for living your own for leaving the pack to Bryson no I don't feel sad, because your brother is every bit my son, yes I know he isn't my biological son but I've raised him as my own son, and I've loved him as my own son...I was there when he was born, I carried him into our house for the first time, taught him how to ride a bike, how to count, I helped him with girl problems when he got older, taught him how to fish, how to drive, I've been there for every birthday and every Christmas and I'm just as proud of the man he's becoming as I am for Royce and the young lady you no I have no sadness, despite what everyone thinks about your brother, I know the young man I raised and love will always do the right thing at the end of the day."

I nodded. I had to admit, even after all the bullshit B pulled or the shit he talked it was hard to imagine him as anything but my whole brother instead of a half brother like Royce...then again, Royce felt like my whole brother.

"You're lucky you know." He said as he lifted his paper once more. "You have two Alpha brothers who would do anything for you."

"Royce yes...B...Well no ones ever mistaken him for being so compassionate towards me." I smiled flatly.

"You should have seen how worried he was when he found out you were missing from school...-"

I looked at him and he smiled skeptically.

"Bryson was ready to gather the packs guard personally, take the pack to war if it came to it...of course I haven't officially stepped down with the council yet so I ordered against it and once we found out you were here he was relieved...pissed that you had run away, but relieved you were safe."

I shook my head, "We've never really been close as siblings."

"You don't have to be close to love or care for one another's wellbeing, you'll always be brother and sister no matter what so I'd get use to it." He smiled before going back to his paper.

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