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"You doing okay hun?" Nat asked as she drove us away from the gynocologist office.

"It's definitely a good thing that Ryland isn't here...I'm crazy sore right now and all I want is a nap."

She gave me a sympathetic smile, "Back in my day you had the pill or a diaphragm, then there was the there's all these implants things..." she sighed. "But you said it's good for how long?"

"Seven years supposedly, so I guess it'll be worth the soreness if I don't have to put up with the headache of an unplanned baby."

"I do supppose that's one way of seeing things." She sounded as she drove on. "How about we head over to my place and I can make us a nice dinner."

"I'd love that."


That night as I laid in the spare bedroom of Charles and Nat's home I couldn't help but wonder about Ryland.

'Where is he at?'

'What's he doing?'

'Is Royce being nice?'

I rolled over to my side and hugged my pillow to me, that dull pain from earlier reminded me that in the short time of my arriving in England, everything has changed.

'I wonder if he misses me?'

I decided to reach out to him  through out mind link, if he was asleep I wouldn't be disturbing him with a phone call plus If things get flirty I didn't want Charles or Nat to listen in on the conversation.

I cleared my mind and concentrated on him, soon I could see glimpses of moon light, and trees...I got the feeling he was out on a run...what I didn't know was if this was recreational or patrol duties.

Either way I withdrew from the connection, last thing I wanted was to get him into trouble with Royce from talking to me.

I sighed once again and shut my eyes hoping that sleep would come sooner rather than later as I knew that tomorrow I'd have to act like i'm not desperately missing my mate...especially when this weekend I have to help Alexia finish up the last minute details on hers and Royce's wedding.

When I heard the sound of my name being called I cracked my eyes open slowly, My wolf stirred immediately as I had to take a moment to remember where I was. I rolled over and saw Nat in the doorway, bright-eyed and smiling.

"Mornin' Hun...Breakfast is just about done if you'd care to join us."

I smiled. "Thanks Nat...let me just get freshened up."

Still smiling she nodded before closing the bedroom door behind her and giving me some privacy. I took the time to stretch properly as if to wake up my bones before getting out of bed. I grabbed my toiletries bag and went into the connected restroom. After using the restroom I went about washing my face and brushing my teeth. I braided my hair as well knowing I didn't want to do too much to it. I pulled on a simple skater dress and made it back into the room.

I gathered all of my stuff so as not to overstay my welcome. I placed my bag by the bedroom door and finally exited.

When Nat had said "join us" I had to admit that I thought she was talking about Herself and reality she meant, Herself, Alexia, Mrs Hightower and a lady I was unfamiliar with.

"Good Morning." I said upon my entrance."

Mrs Hightower stood up and came over to hug me, before Alexia followed suit...It felt nice, even if I wasn't use to all the hugging.

"Raven this is Bess, as much as I was adamant on not getting a wedding planner and doing everything myself...I have a few Luna duties that take precedence, so Bess is going to be getting all of the wedding stuff sorted, meanwhile we are all going to start on getting various projects of mine rolling." She said with a less than enthusiastic grin.

"So what's on the Luna agenda?" I asked as I picked up a sausage with my fork and listened on.

"Well I have a presentation party to plan...seeing as that party will be for yourself and Ryland, you will definitely need to be a part of that one." She said.

"I'll head that one." Nat sounded with a sweet smile, "This isn't my first time throwing a presenting party if you don't mind of course Luna?"

Alexia rolled her eyes and smiled, "Aunt Nat, of course I don't mind...and stop calling me Luna, You all know it's just Alexia or Lexi, we're family...or soon to be at the very least." She said, a small pink in her cheeks more than likely out of embarrassment. "So Aunt Nat and Ray are on the presenting, I personally have to go over to budgeting with Royce and see if we can get the youth center started finally or put it off for a little while longer, but to be honest I think we've got the funding for it...and Gran, do you think you would be so inclined to do a few appearances I was suppose to attend?"

"I'd be delighted," Royce's grandmother beamed. "I feels good to be needed again."

While I ate I listened on as Alexia spoke to Bess about colors and themes, the feel she was going for with the wedding, how large the wedding party would be and even though Alexia herself had thought she only had a few things left to sort for the wedding...turns out she had a TON of stuff to still get.

"Wow." She said, I could tell that she was genuinely taken back by the news of having to still get so much done. "I guess I never thought about some of those things."

"And that is why you hired me Luna...I'll get this all taken care of so don't fret." Bess said kindly before she collected her bag and excused herself to get started.

We finished up breakfast before Alexia and Mrs Hightower left.

"So then..." Nat said as we cleared the table, "Since this presenting is for you and Ryland I want it to be a bit more personal...of course the majority of the pack will be there as everyone should know who their new Beta is and the Alpha's sister also hold her own level of respect...not to mention you're also the Beta's Mate."

"I like to think that I'm not the Beta's mate...but rather the Beta is MY mate, I guess I don't like the idea of being had if that makes sense."

She nodded, "As the daughter of an me when I say that I completely understand...but that being said, it should be a lot of fun with the both of you trying to assert your dominance." She put in knowingly, a sly smile coming through now.

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