Entry #12: Blush

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Silence. There is a great deal of silence here. Not the peaceful brand of quiet, but rather the uncomfortable. No one speaks a word. The food on their plates is a temporary distraction from the tension, but as soon as they finish their meals, what then? Though I am the silent observer, I still feel as though I need to leave. I need to get away from this awkward silence.

Kaiya sits huddled in the rear of the cave, amber eyes glistening from the darkness. She gulps down her food in an angry manner, shooting glares at Kain every few minutes. The wolf isn’t afraid to display her displeasure. Her mother appears content, but I can tell she is disturbed by the silence. She must figure that there is no point in conversation. Kaiya will refuse to speak while that man is here. As for Kain, he is visually annoyed. He must not have expected to be noticed and forced to partake in their meal.

When Kaiya licks her bowl clean, she slams it down on the ground and crosses her arms. Her mother frowns, her gaze reprimanding. Kain is the last to finish, as he was eating in a mannerly fashion. He sets his bowl down with care before speaking.

“I had best be off then. Thank you for the meal.” He stands up and adds, “Kaiya. Ma’am,” nodding to each person. As he steps off into the night, Kaiya sits up, looking pensive. Then, she leaps up to her feet, stretches, and says, “I-I’m goin’ out for a bit. I’ll be back later.”

Her mother sighs. “Don’t get into too much trouble.”

Kaiya grins that mischievous smile of hers and replies, “Don’t worry ‘bout me.”

She jogs off into the night in the direction Kain went, catching up to him quickly. I have to sprint to keep up with her. Goodness, this woman runs fast! “Hey! Kain! Hold up, I need to talk to you!” she calls after him.

He freezes and turns to stare at her, appearing a bit confused. “Oh? I thought you despised me?”

She frowns while crossing her arms. “Course I do. I have a bone to pick with you.”

“Then by all means, go ahead.”

“Look, I know you’ve got something planned. And frankly, I don’t care. Just don’t bring my mom into it,” she says in a stern tone.

Kain looks genuinely surprised. “Kaiya, who ever said I was bringing your mother into anything?”

“Oh please. What were you talkin’ to her about then? I saw her give you a mean look.”

“I assure you; she just invited me to share your fire out of mere curiosity. I apologize if I offended you.”

“You didn’t offend me. You made me worry about her. She told me ‘bout your kind. Said you were dangerous, so I don’t like you hanging around her. My mom’s been through more than any of us. Ever since my dad died things haven’t been the same around here. She’s got this incurable disease now that makes her weak, and we’re on the brink of starvation. And now we’ve got you prowling around, and it doesn’t make things any better.”

Now Kain looks at her with an intense stare, one filled with honesty. “I am no threat to your family nor do I wish harm upon you. But it is difficult to prove that to you when you so quick to hate and judge.”

Kaiya’s face softens a bit, as if the realization is coming to her. The atmosphere is tense while she concocts a response. It is broken moments later when her face lights up, as if she has an idea.

“You want to prove to me that you aren’t dangerous? Then meet me at the blue flower field tomorrow night, right after sundown.”

“Dare I ask what you have planned?”

That grin is back on her face again. “You’ll just have to wait and see. Don’t be late, kay?” With that said she darts off into the trees and vanishes.

Kain stares after her blankly for a moment before his mouth twists into a smirk. He then stalks off in the opposite direction. My thoughts drift to the door hidden amongst the blue bells. The one she was trying to open with her feet. Will she show him what is underneath that door?

I leave the memory with more questions than answers.


A/N: Haha, sorry to those of you who were expecting gooey romance stuff. My mind associates blushing with awkward and tense situations. Don't ask why; I'm not sure myself.

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