Entry #30: Fern

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When I first entered this memory, things seemed…alright. I had entered in the practice field outside Dragon’s Maw’s fortress, where the knights go to train. The day is fair, a tad overcast, but pleasant; the perfect weather for sword practice. I encountered Gabriel and Séaryne in the midst of training.

Séaryne was slashing at a sack dummy with her katana, her face lined with sweat and her eyes concentrated on her target. For someone wielding a heavy two-handed sword, her movements were fluid and quick, perhaps even graceful. With several deadly blows, she sliced that dummy to pieces. Gabriel steadily attacked a dummy next to her, timing his blows as if it were a real enemy. He struck with precision and with strong strikes. If he was exhausted, he didn’t show it; his eyes held a sort of ferocity that only comes with the heat of battle. Together, he and Séaryne are a force to be reckoned with.

After reducing their targets to meager strips of cloth, they had sheathed their weapons, drank some water, and started walking back into the fortress. It is here I stand now, staring at the chaos stirring inside the main hall , a whirlwind of confusion, anxiety, and a tiny bit of fear. Séaryne and Gabriel have walked into this mess, staring at their fellow knights with bewildered looks.

Knights are running to and fro at frantic speeds, charging up the stairs, throwing doors open, talking in loud voices. Someone in the distance is shouting orders that are inaudible from here, sounding like blurred echoes. Gabriel grabs one of his comrades by the arm as he hurries by, wide-eyed. He stares sternly at the young knight and says, “What in Goddess name is going on here?”

“D-demons! There’s a whole army of them heading towards Serpent’s Hold! They don’t have many troops there, so we’re sending reinforcements. Everyone’s gotta get armored and gather supplies; it’s gonna be a real fight!”

Serpent’s Hold is a fortress that was built to help defend Fen from demons. As part of the deal made with the demons of Talyyn long ago, neither party is allowed to attack the other, despite the hatred they bear. Of course, some unruly citizens of Talyyn ignore this contract, and form rebel groups that attack Serpent’s Hold or Fort Demon's Bane. I suppose this is one such attack.

Gabriel thanks his comrade and turns him loose, looking a bit worried. Rebel demon attacks are rare, but when they happen, sometimes the results are devastating. The last time one happened, a lot of knights from Tayri never came back and things were pretty gloomy for a few days. Séaryne doesn’t seem too afraid; in fact, she seems ready to face whatever challenge may come her way.

“Well, you heard him. Let’s get to it,” she remarks, beginning to pace off. Gabriel follows behind her. They enter the armory, which is full of nervous knights trying to put on plate mail with haste. One red faced knight hops around, trying to put on his metal boot. I can’t help but laugh as she stumbles into another knight, who starts to mutter to himself in an angry tone.

Both Gabriel and Séaryne head to the rear of the armory, where several wash basins are set up. After washing their faces and freshening up a bit, they start getting into their protective plate armor. The shining silver colored armor looks heavy, but it must protect its user well. It doesn’t take long for them to be armed from head to toe in a clanking metal suit, decorated with the golden symbol of Dragon's Maw. Séaryne straps her katana to a scabbard attached to her back. Gabriel runs a whetstone over his longsword until it reaches the perfect sharpness, ready to cut down any who threaten him.

Once armored, they head towards an apothecary set up within the fortress. I suppose it is necessary, for knights get wounded all the time. They each receive some medicinal herbs from the man running the stand. He also blends several herbs together to make several vials of a dark green elixir. It is probably meant to heal wounds, but it looks rather unappetizing.

Ready to head into battle, they line up with the rest of the knights. I watch as they march down the streets of Dragon’s Maw, towards their fate, whatever it may be. I wonder what it feels like, to head into battle without any prior warning? If I were a knight in this situation, my stomach would be doing backflips. Citizens line the streets of the city, staring at the knights as they pass by. Each person has a solemn look on their face, as if they know that some may not return. Some children wave farewell to the knights, looking so forlorn.  I find myself hoping that none die, leaving people alone and in mourning.


A/N: Sorry, not the most exciting chapter. Or is it? This is meant to be a build up to the next, so please bear with me!

Theme #30 (thirty! Wooo Hoooo!! *does happy dance*) was 'fern'. I kinda thought of herbs and plants, and then it made me think of battle preparations. So, here ya go. :D

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