The Final Page

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It seems I have reached the final page of my journal. It is incredible how I can fill so many pages with not my thoughts and experiences, but those of others who have touched my heart. I have experienced the events of their lives with them, learning of their struggles.  Because of them, I know of the greatest love, the purest hatred, the deepest sorrow, joy like no other, and so much more. I hope that because of this, humans can see that demons are not really demons at all. Perhaps it is we humans that are the real demons.

 These memories will sleep within me for many years to come. I shall hold them close and never forget what those of the past went through to bring us our future. I now have proof of the crimes the Church of Fennarie has committed for centuries. It is hard to say if I can remain silent in my world, knowing that the Church does the very deeds they preach against. Should I tell the king? Should I keep my mouth shut? I wonder if Rory will help me…

 As I said before, trouble is brewing within present day Fen. With each passing day, it grows and grows and I fear it will become an insatiable monster. We could be on the brink of civil war at this rate, if the Church continues to misbehave. This journal holds the key to open the door to peace, if placed in the right hands. I know that it reveals the truth.

 I pray to all of the spirits, or maybe even to the goddess, if there truly is a benevolent deity watching over us. Whoever may be reading this, I beg you to keep these memories in your heart as well. Know what the Church has brought upon us. Know the struggles of the past. Take action if you can for I fear that if someone is reading this, it means I have failed and the Church has won. I truly wish it has not come to that in the future, but if it has, the spirit of rebellion must be set free. Justice must be served.

 History can teach us the greatest lessons. The voices of the past give us the most important warnings. They whisper in our ears the things we should and should not do. They experienced so much in order to teach us what must be done. They have played their part. Now it is up to us, and whether or not we choose to listen. 


A/N: And there you have it! The end to the story! Man, that's a huge load off of my shoulders! Phew! But listen guys, for I have something to tell you: Anima's story is just gettin' started... So keep an eye out for a sequel ;)

Anyway, a huge thanks to anyone who has read this far! You are amazing! 

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