Forgive not Forget

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A/N: I really like the positive feedback I'm getting on this. The comments make me feel so happy seeing you guys telling me you like it and to update asap. Anyways I bring you chapter 5.

A week had passed and Taehyung still wasn't at shcool. Yoongi and Jimin would avoid Jungkook and ignore him whenever he tried talking with them.

Jungkook knew he messed up, he felt so guilty it was eating him up. For the past weeks the crying face of Taehyung would show up in his dreams tormenting him.

He really wanted to apologize, he just hasn't had the chance to. He saw Yoongi and Jimin would always walk the opposite way of the café they hangout out after school. He assumed they were going to Taehyung's.

He knew in order to apologize be knew he had to go to Taehyung's house. He didn't know where he lived so he decided to follow Yoongi and Jimin today.




The bell rang and everyone scurried out excited it was Friday and that meant a day of going out with friends.

Jungkook briskly walked through the halls looking for the head of orange hair from Jimin. He saw it and saw he was headed towards the gates; Probably to meet up with Yoongi.

He soon saw him meet up with Yoongi and together they left towards the direction of Taehyung's house.

Jungkook waited for a few moments before proceeding to trial behind him, but first he hid his scent using his alpha powers.

After so many turns and small detours of the two buying food and drinks, they made it to Taehyung's house.

Jungkook looked at house they knocked on, his gaze fell on his surroundings. He noticed this was the bad part of town. Mostly people with financial problems lived here.

He noticed the browns lawns, the small amount of trash that littered the streets and roads, and not mention the houses that looked old.

He didn't know Taehyung and his family had financial problems. He decided to wait for Yoongi and Jimin to leave so then he can go apologize.




2 hours later after hiding inside an old abandoned building in front of Taehyung's house, the door opened to reveal Yoongi and Jimin bidding their farewell.

As the two walked away and made their way to their homes, Jungkook came out of hiding and briskly walked to the front door.

Taking a deep breath he rasied his hand and knocked on the door. He heard some mumbling behind the door.

"Aish, Yoongi hyung what did you-" Taehyung stopped mid sentence as his face became devoid of all emotion.

Jungkook took that as a bad sign and his nerves spiked a great amount. "Hi Taehyung," that was all he got to say before the door was slammed in his face. He saw that coming.

"Taehyung, I'm sorry. I know this will sound stupid but, I felt annoyed and angry that I just spewed out words that I didn't mean."

Taehyung stood right in front of the door with his hand still on the knob. He had moment of hesitation before he decided he had nothing to lose. Making up his mind he opened the door.

Wrong Omega, Wrong Mate (TAEKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now