Telling the Host Club

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'What am I going to tell them?' is the first thought through my head as I get up out of bed. I get dressed and eat my breakfast quietly.

Dad smiles at me, "It's okay, sweetie. I'm  sure they'll be supportive of you, especially since Tamaki's the father." 

I give him a small smile before saying, "Thanks, Dad. Bye, I love you."

He pulls me into a hug and replies, "I love you, too, Haruhi," before I leave.

~time skip to after Host Club hours brought to you by Kyoya's DeathNote~

I see Kyoya working on his laptop. "Hey, Kyoya-senpai?" I ask.

"Yes, Haruhi?" He replies looking up from his laptop.

"Can I talk to you?" I glance around the room and see Tamaki, Kaoru, and Hikaru staring at me. "In private?" I finish.

"Sure," he says, getting up from his chair and taking me to one of the many side rooms in the Host Club.

"What is it?" He asks after shutting and locking the door.

  "Hypothetically speaking.." I paused and looked down, he'll know it's not hypothetical as soon as I tell him, it's Kyoya after all, "What would be the best way to go about telling the host club I was say.." I paused again and threw in a small nervous chuckle, "Pregnant? Keep in mind it's hypothetical." I rubbed my hands together, God I'm so nervous.  

"Well, if I were you, Haruhi, I would first tell Kyoya that I was pregnant. Then, I would ask him how to tell the rest of the club, a lot like you just did. Next I would follow his advice and tell the father and let him tell everyone else." He states with a grin on his face. "But this isn't hypothetical, is it, Haruhi?"

"No, it's not." I reply honestly. "I'm pregnant and Tamaki's the father."

Kyoya smiles, "Follow my advice and things should go smoothly. As smooth as the Host Club can get, anyway." He leaves the room and I follow.

I see Tamaki and the twins sitting on on of the couches. I walk over to them, "Hey, Senpai? Can we talk... in private?" I glance at the twins who get up and go to the other side of the room where Kyoya is.

"Of course, darling daughter! What is it?" Tamaki asks with a smile.

"Well, I have been throwing up in the mornings... like a lot... and..." I sigh, "Senpai, I'm pregnant and you're the father."

"I'M GONNA BE A PAPA!!!" He yells to the whole Host Club.

"We thought you already were a papa, boss." The twins chorus, staring at me.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. Not like that! Haruhi's pregnant! And I'm  the father!!" He grabs me into a hug and spins around with me in his arms.

"Mori-senpai!" I yell as I start to get dizzy.

Mori-senpai grabs me out of Senpai's arms and sets me down. "Thanks, Mori-Senpai." I smile before sitting on the couch.

"All of the Hosts that aren't me and Haruhi are now Uncles!!" Senpai declares with a smile on his face.

I laugh as I get up, "I'll be right back."

Haruhi, Tamaki, and their son, YukineWhere stories live. Discover now