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(I'm totally not sorry about the video. NOT SORRY AT ALL.  XD )

~Tamaki's POV~
~a few hours later~

I smile as I take a picture of the lovely scene in front of me. Haruhi is asleep with Yukine in her arms. 

I put my phone down on the bedside table and lay next to Haruhi. I wrap my arms around her protectively and eventually fall asleep.

~Time Skip brought to you by Tamaki's fear of Nekozawa~ 

I wake to Haruhi trying to soothe the yelling Yukine. She gets him to calm down enough for her to be able to change his diaper and feed him. I check the time on my phone and see that it is now 8 in the morning.

There's a knock on the door and Haruhi and I give each other a confused look. Who could possibly be here at 8 in the morning? I know it's not the Host Club because Honey-senpai and Kyoya aren't up yet.

I get out of bed and open the door to find two red-headed twins, a small "child" with blond hair, a tall man with raven black hair, and another tall man with black hair, but this one wears glasses.

"M'lord." The twins say as they walk into the house, the others following behind them.

I look at Kyoya and see an evil look on his face. Who woke him up? I wonder as he takes a seat in the living room.

Haruhi walks out of the bedroom and comes down the hall with Yukine. She sees the Host Club and turns around going right back into the bedroom.

~Haruhi's POV~

Yukine coos as I shut the bedroom door behind me. I smile at him and start tickling his stomach, he laughs and coos as I do so. 

After he falls asleep, I put him in his crib and get out the laptop Tamaki bought me.

I open a new word document and title it: "Letter to Yukine"

I start typing:

Dear Yukine,
I'm writing this to you to let you know how much you mean to me. Right now you aren't even a day old yet, but when you read this letter, you will most likely be attending high school. I have only known you for a few hours but you and your father are a lot alike. You have his eyes. Yukine, I want you to know that no matter what happens your father and I will always be by your side. We love you and we would do anything in the world for you.You are the light of our lives and I don't want you to ever forget that. And a few words of advice since you're in high school. If you need a quiet place to study, don't wander into an abandoned music room and then break an eight million yen vase. I speak from experience. I know you'll do great in school and I know you'll always be our happy Yukine. 

I love you forever and always,Mom

I print it out and place it in an envelope in my desk drawer.

(Sorry I haven't updated lately, I've been stuck in a writer's block for a good month now and I finally came up with an idea. I will most certainly have a chapter up on Thanksgiving. You are all probably thinking that I'm going to have a Thanksgiving special, in which case you'd be wrong. Thanksgiving this year takes place on November 22nd, also Kyoya's birthday. So I'm having a special chapter for my favorite host.)

Haruhi, Tamaki, and their son, YukineWhere stories live. Discover now