Kyoya's Birthday

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(Thank you guys so much for over 200 reads!!! I'm so sorry for the late update. I just created this book on a whim and now I have over 200 reads. I can't thank you enough. I love you guys and hope you have enjoyed my story. Thank you for the votes and comments, too. THANK YOU!!!)

~a few months later~
~November 22nd~
~Tamaki's POV~

I wake to Yukine fussing. I get him out of his crib and walk around the room with him until he falls back asleep. Then I check my phone. It's 7:42 am on Thursday November 22nd, I put my phone down and go to get back in be- Wait! November 22nd? That means we have a Host Club birthday today!

~timeskip brought to you by Honey's Usa-chan~             
~Kyoya's POV~

I sigh as I enter the pink building that is Ouran Academy. Tamaki called for an emergency meeting... again. He's always doing this. He calls an emergency meeting for something that's really not that big of a deal. I get to Music Room 3 and open one of the double doors. I enter the room to find that it's completely dark.

"Hello?" I ask. I swear, if this was a prank by the twi-

"Surprise!!" The lights come on and I see the rest of the hosts standing around a table with a cake and presents on it.

"What's this?" I ask, looking around at the lavender colored decorations around the room.

"Why, it's a birthday party of course!" Tamaki smiles at me, "Happy Birthday, Kyoya!"

I smile a little. 'Someone actually remembered.' "Thanks, Tamaki." I reply. "But I don't like sweets. I thought you knew this."

"I do. Which is why Haruhi made one that's not only sweet, but it's got a little bit of spice to it." He offers a plate of cake to me, "Would you like to try a piece?"

"Sure," I smile and grab the plate. I take a bite of the cake and it tastes sweet at first, but then some spice kicks in.

"Haruhi. This is amazing. Thank you so much." I say before taking another bite of the cake.

"Of course, Kyoya-senpai." She smiles before cutting other pieces of cake for the others.

(I'm sorry for both the late update and the short chapter. I had most, if not all of this typed out on November 22nd, but I thought I might be able to come up with a new idea for the chapter. In the long run, though I wasn't able to come up with any ideas, so here's the late, short chapter with an abrupt ending. And thanks again for over 200 reads!! I honestly can't thank you enough! And once again, sorry for the late chapter...)

Haruhi, Tamaki, and their son, YukineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin