Chapter 8: ..everyone is waiting for her to say yes.

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Jeremy POV

I'm losing all sanity because of a certain woman. I just can't understand why Laila won't answer my calls. She's being difficult unlike before.

She obviously hates my mere existence and when you think about I should be the one hating on her not the other way around.

We were happy, I am happy and couldn't ask for more. All I want is to be by her side always but she left. She left without a word. She disappeared from my life after telling me she had enough. She left me confused and broken and all this time I kept asking myself why.

I looked for her but she was just gone without a trace. At the same time, the company is facing a crisis and I have to get myself together and step up. My family needs me and I know I have to endure the pain because my grandfather had an attacked and was rushed to the ER. That experience made me realize things I've been doing and maybe everything was all my fault. If I had just been more serious this wouldn't happen. I stopped searching for her and I focused on work but she was always clouding my mind. It took me a while to bury everything. I avoided things that will make me remember. And just when I thought she was gone forever, she suddenly shows up and all I can think about is getting her back.

I can't understand how I let myself be weak around her. She's the one who left so why am I the one begging for attention? Why am I one going after her? She left without a word. I was left broken by her.

"Oh, God!"

I groaned at the sound of the voice.


I heard my mom call. After a few more calls I decided to finally get off of my bed and see her. At the sight of me, she covers her nose after making a gagging action clearly showing how disgusted she is with my appearance.

"Son you're a complete mess. I thought you and Laila are back together so why get yourself drunk?" she is obviously taunting me. I can see the mischievous look in her eyes as she suppresses a smile hiding something from me.

"Mom! Stop! Laila left remember," I reminded her as I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a coffee. "What I don't understand is why the hell is she acting as if I'm the one who did something wrong."

She followed me and her eyes traced around the scattered empty cans of beer and take-out foods. I know without even looking that she's making the same face she had on earlier when she saw me.

"Well she is back and I'm getting news that you two are together again so I assume you are on cloud nine or at least I'll see her here." I'm really getting suspicious of her tone of voice. It is like she already knows something and just checking if I'll give her any more details.

I shoot daggers with my eyes at her as I took a sit at one of the stools and she sat across from me.

"She is back but obviously she doesn't want anything to do with me. She's the one who left without a proper explanation and now she has the audacity to be the one acting like I'm the one who breaks her heart. I was so happy seeing her again but she just plain hates my guts." I complained.

"Then how come there are photos of you two splattered around every tabloid and media saying you two are dating?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

I let out a sigh, "I made that one. I tip in the reporters so that Laila will be the one coming to me but apparently she just yelled out at me in the middle of my meeting and then ignored me. She is driving me crazy."

After that incident in my office, Laila made sure that there will be no chance for us to meet again. She is just near but I can't get a hold of her. It's as if I'm being blocked from her.

"Why not just go to her place or their office." my mom suggested.

"I've already done that and what happened? I almost go to jail because they accused me of stalking her. I want her back more than anything. She's always been the one for me mom. You saw how I've become when she left and what I did just to forget her but even with that, I just can't let her go."

My mom knows that no amount of words can comfort me right now. She pat my back as we both fell into silence. Her phone rang breaking the minutes-long of silence. Her face went blank hearing what her caller was saying. I was getting curious because she kept glancing at me and then making a 'tsk' sound. I raised an eyebrow at her demanding an explanation.

"Well Jer, if you are planning to get Laila back I suggest you do it quick. News is spreading that someone just announced his undying love for her and everyone are wanting for her to say yes."

I choked on the coffee that I was drinking. My mom had to rub my back as I continuously gagged and try to get myself enough air. The good thing was that the coffee had cool down otherwise I'll also burn myself.

I can't bear the thought of Laila in the arms of others. If I could just lock her up somewhere so that no one can ever lay an eye on her, I would but I know she'll hate me more if I do that.

I got up from my sit and went to look for my laptop. When I found it, I immediately went online and search for the new hot topic about Laila. Sure enough, I found the article and saw a picture of Laila and that dude. His arms wrap around her waist as they make pose. She wasn't looking at him but he has his eyes on Laila and everyone can guess what that look means.

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