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Unedited chapter :b

Ignore and enjoy :)


Laiba stared at the mirror in front of her, blinking leisurely at her own reflection. She took a step forward and grazed a hand dreamily across the mirror. She knew this, she had seen this before, she had looked like that before, she had experienced this before. It was the very same wedding day that had turned into a nightmare by end of the day. It was happening again. Everything was happening again. She felt like..Déjà vu and it was unnerving. Those smoky eyes, bold-red lips, that porcelain make-up, that golden-red lehnga, those bangles and those jewelleries, that constant sound of people talking and laughing behind the closed door of her room, that incessant noise of car horns, entering and exiting through the driveway, that lilac sky, that fresh, monsoon air, everything, just everything was happening again.

She knew what was coming, she knew what was going to happen. She knew those car horns. She knew those voices, she knew what that commotion was all about. She knew why she was walking towards the window. She knew she would move the curtain and peek out of the window. She knew there would be a crowd of well-dressed people, walking towards their house. She knew her Abi would be standing with a huge smile on his face, ready to welcome the guest. She knew they were her would-be-in-laws. She knew she would spot her would-be-husband among them. She knew he would be somewhere among the crowd. She knew he would be wearing that golden wedding suit, but there is where things took a different turn.

Instead of Shebaz in his golden suit, there she saw a man in his casual night clothes. He was facing the crowd and not towards her. He was among the crowd but still not among them. He was standing with his hands on the pockets of his baggy emerald trousers and his shoulders, slump. Laiba squinted at him as he slowly backed off from the crowd and turned, unveiling his face...

Laiba's breath hitched as she saw his face. He was Him, wearing those same night clothes he had on him when she saw him for the first time. How would she not recognize him? When all she ever saw when she closed her eyes was his face. She knew deep inside that she was dreaming but she wished she wasn't. She wished it was reality and that she was really looking at him. She wished the time to freeze there, she wished the dream to never end and for him to never fade..

The man looked lost, like he had no idea what he was doing there. He was looking everywhere, at everyone but not up. Not at her window. Not at her. At last! He must have felt the heaviness of her gaze as he slowly raised his head up and looked at her window..

But before their eyes would meet, the alarm went off, bringing her back to reality.

Laiba blinked open her eyes to the sound of the alarm tone, blaring from her cellphone that was beside her pillow. She rubbed her eyes and took the cellphone in her hand, sliding the alarm off. She checked the time and it was the hour of fajr. Laiba laid her head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, thinking about the dream. It was the third day of her Istikhara and she had finally got the response she was looking for, in a form of a dream. After going to London, as said, Zeeshan had telephoned her the other day and had spoken to her for like, half an hour. More than Laiba, Haider Ahmed was hell bent on interviewing him. He had a list of questions on his mind that he had asked him straight away, without hesitating even a bit. Some of his questions were so unnecessary and embarrassing that had made her face palm herself. All Zeeshan expected from her was to reside with his family in The Othman House, that is, if they were to be married. He was totally against the idea of moving out of the Othman House. Which was absolutely okay with her since she, herself, liked the prospect of living with his family. All on all, he gave her no reason to dislike him. Even Haider Ahmed found no faults in him and thought he was perfect for Laiba. It was him, who insisted on taking this proposal a step forward. He told Yusuf Othman how satisfied Zeeshan had made him and that nothing would make him happier than having him as his son-in-law. Both, Haider Ahmed and Yusuf Othman wished for her to come to a decision before Zeeshan was back to city. It was then she decided to seek Allah, the Al-knower's help and for that to do Istikhara.

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