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Zeeshan swiped his access card and entered into the hotel suite, unbuttoning his suit jacket with his left hand and meanwhile, loosening his tie with the right one as he took long strides towards the bedroom. He hurled all the items including his cellphone and wallet on the bed and he himself sat on it, removing his boots and socks. He laid his upper body on the mattress with his arms stretched above him, his legs tangling off the bed as he took a relaxing breath for the first time since he came London. It was a hectic week for him but he wasn't complaining. He liked keeping himself busy and enjoyed engaging himself with all kinds of business persons. It was a great experience for him and he was happy he achieved what he came for. He won the deal back and the words his father said to him on the phone was still ringing in his ears.

'I'm proud of you, Zeeshan. Alhamduillah!! I'll offer two rakhats of shukrana outright. Yeah! I will. Alhamduillah. Come back home soon. Everyone here is so excited for you and Laiba. She's Mashallah a great woman. Everybody here can't wait for you to marry her and bring her home.'

A huge smile spread on his face as he recalled the phone call with his dad. He can't wait to meet her too, he thought. All he had ever heard from everyone that every time he talked home, was about Laiba and Laiba alone. They weren't getting tired of praising her and that was making him wonder about her more and more. How she would look? How her eyes would be? How her lips would be when she talked? All those thoughts regarding her were invading the doors of his mind and captivating his heart.

His smile grew wide and he felt blood rushing up his cheeks. He rubbed his cheeks and bit his smile, sitting upright and looking left to right, making sure he was alone. "Gawd!" He laughed at himself, walking towards the cupboard to start packing his clothes. Even after he was done packing, the smile was unmistakably plastered on his face. He was so grateful that Aariz wasn't there at that moment with him, if he was, he would had made fun of him blushing like that. At the thought of Aariz, Zeeshan picked up his cellphone and started checking through the numerous notifications for his name. There were several missed calls, mails and messages from so many people but none were from Aariz, which reminded him that he had blocked his number after the stunt he had pulled the other day with Laiba. He wanted him to believe that he was mad at him even though he was not. Zeeshan never could be mad at Aariz.

He hurriedly unblocked his numbered and texted him the flight timings, asking him to be at the airport to pick him up. He checked his watch and decided to take a quick shower since there was still plenty of time left for the flight. After shower, he put on a casual v-neck grey t-shirt, acid washed blue jeans and a white cardigan on himself. He looked at the mirror and smiled at himself. He was finally going home and meeting Laiba. He made a point in his mind to buy something for her from London. He had shopped nothing for any of his family members as he was too busy for it but since he had got time now, he thought of visiting the Jewel shop, near the hotel he was residing at. He had noticed the shop many times while going and coming back to the hotel and the only person who came to his mind every time he crossed the shop was Laiba.

It was strange but he then thought, he anyhow has to gift her something on their wedding day so why not buy something from that shop?

So Zeeshan went.

It was that typical Jewel shop, that one could find in every commercial areas. With glass compartments, glossy marbles countertops, with too little crowd and overly smiling salespersons. Zeeshan pushed the glass door and stepped in, biting his tongue as he looked around. He couldn't believe he was there but he also knew he would be visiting a lot of places like that in the future.

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