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Before we begin this chapter, I wanna thank every one of you who are here to read this book(despite the late updates)

Thank you.

It is because of you all that I'm still writing this book otherwise I would have given up long back.

Okay, I'll shut up now.



Dusting his hands off of Burhaan and Essa, Aariz had stayed back inside the garage, calling up his teammates and checking up on them. Habeeba and Maha were safe whereas Zeeshan's situation seemed a bit suspicious to him. He didn't want to just walk into the room without making sure of what he was getting himself into.

'What would I do if I were in Laiba's place?' He asked himself, trying to see the game from Laiba's perspective.

He curled up his right hand into a fist and brought it up to his lips, tapping, as he paced back and forth, thinking and thinking.

'She is the captain.'

'Like a king on the chessboard.'

'And there are enemies out there who would try to attack her.'

'Everyone would want to protect her.'

'She would want to be safe too.'

Those thoughts were cycling over his head, turning the wheels.

Aariz stopped walking, 'No way will she hide in a room!!!'

'Unless she wants someone to find her...'

'Or maybe...'

And then it occurred him, his eyes widening as he realised what might be the case in the green room.

It was just an assumption, a hypothesis.

But he could see how it was working for her.

"Huh! Okay! I see!" He mused, bobbing his head to himself, not knowing if he should to be impressed or bothered by her tactics that had almost got him.

He shook his head, took out his cellphone and dialled Zeeshan's number.

"Pick up the phone, pick up the phone!" He cussed to himself, restlessly moving around the garage, listening to the dialling tone.

Instead, he heard the recording at the end of the call, 'The person you are calling is not responding. Please try again later...'

"Damn you, Zeeshan!" He scowled, ending the call.

He shouldn't be surprised for it was Zeeshan's old tattered habit of disappearing and bailing on him in the most crucial times. Yet, he was pissed. He ran his hand over his hair and hurriedly typed him a text.

Aariz: ITS NOT HER! It's a trap. Don't get out and get yourself shot. Stay in. Maybe call me when you see this.

Aariz hit send and stuffed his cellphone inside the front pocket of his jeans before pulling the hoodie over his head and exiting the garage. He strode towards the building while looking around himself, the toy gun dangling down in his hand. He reached the backdoor but found it locked from inside. He then moved to the kitchen windows and began checking if any of them was open. Luckily for him, he found the window by the sink, left unlocked. He lifted the glass door open, climbed in and jumped down from the counter. He dusted his hands and moved around the kitchen aisle, making his way to the storage room.

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