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A bonfire was lit at the backyard of the bungalow, sizzling against the freezing cold night. The sky was dark and the air was brutally chill and smelled of wet woods and soil before rain. The wind rustled with the leaves of the trees and shrubs surrounding the bungalow, humming a rhythm of its own. A dog continued to bark at a distance and the world seemed to be sound asleep while the Othman kids were wide awake.

Especially, the blue team, who were drunk in their glorious victory and were hell bent on sparkling salts on the Red team's wounds.

"Booooh booh..."

"Boooooh booooooh boooh."

Essa and Burhaan were mocking Habeeba and Maha, jumping around them, screaming in their ears while they sat beside each other on a wooden log by the bonfire, looking extremely glum and dejected whereas Laiba and Areesha were seated opposite to them, smiling and chuckling at their antics.

"Oh god! Just stop it, you two. My ears are bleeding." Maha wailed, closing both of her ears with her hands in annoyance.

"Ohhhooo...fed up of us so soon?" Burhaan asked in a high pitched voice, "Wait until I tell your grandkids and your great great grandkids how big of a looser their great great grandma was."

That seemed to crack them all up, making Maha and Habeeba huff out at them again.

Essa, Burhaan, Laiba and Areesha were still laughing when Aariz, Zeeshan and Shah joined them.

Each carrying bundles of comforters, thermal flasks, kettle and red paper cups.

"What's funny?" Zeeshan interrogated, dropping the comforters on the ground.

"Aariz's face when he got shot." Areesha said with a huge grin on her face.

Zeeshan shook his head whereas Aariz rolled his eyes, both of them taking a seat on a wooden log while Shah began handing comforters to everyone over there.

"Damn...wish I was there to see it." Burhaan added with a pout while Laiba suppressed a smile.

"I'd say it was bit of a fluke but you people won't stand to hear it." Aariz defended himself, crossing his legs in front of him.

"Aww, Aariz. I understand we hurt your ego but it doesn't change the fact that you lost to her today." She tilted her head towards Laiba, who was wrapping a comforter around herself.

Aariz glanced up at her and as usual, she hesitated to hold her gaze with his.

"Guess, it's time we say R.I.P to the 'I-was-born-to-win' reputation of yours, brother. Laiba made sure of that, tonight." Burhaan commented, joyously.

Keeping his eyes on her, he counteracted, "As I said, it was a fluke." He might be talking to Burhaan but it felt like he was telling that to her as well, "But if this helps you guys sleep better at night, then so be it." He freed her from his gaze and looked back at Burhaan in the end.

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