Chapter Six: New Faces

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She didn't know what to do.

What would they say when they realised how light her egg was?

Would they tell her what she thought – that there was no dragon inside? Would they laugh? Kick her out? Fear curled in her stomach like an angry cat, her lip bleeding as she bit into it. She didn't want to leave the Outer City in disgrace.

Not when she already felt like she belonged.

She'd felt oddly at ease ever since the city had come into sight, as though she'd been away for a long journey and had finally come home. Like hell she was going to let anyone separate her from her city. Sora froze, her eyes narrowing at how the thought resonated around her mind.

It was her city.

Nothing would come between them.

She wasn't going to tell them about her light egg. There was no way in hell she'd willingly become the laughingstock of the entire city. She wouldn't give Tabitha a reason to tease her again.

"Oy, brat!" A hand waved in front of her face, startling her. "Earth to idiot?"

"What?" Sora blinked.

"You done yet?" Ethan asked. "I do have better things to do, you know."

She pulled her egg to her chest. "Of course you do," she mumbled, pressing her cheek against the waxy surface, closing her eyes at its lack of warmth.

"Come on," he said, folding his arms, staring down at her pointedly. "I need to drop you off at your temporary room."


Ethan shrugged. "Your colour was weird, so we'll retest you with a far more precise method. I'll arrange it as soon as I can."


He rolled his eyes. "If you want to thank me, hurry up and get moving. I'd like to actually get some sleep tonight."

Sora smiled, clutching her egg tightly to her chest as she followed after him and the furious pace he set. The streets were dark for the most part, Ethan sticking close since it'd 'be a problem' if she got lost.

"Your room is between the Silver and Black Dorms – they're arranged by the colour of your magic, in case your puny brain couldn't work that out," he explained, presenting her with a brass key as he cranked open the door to yet another castle-like structure built somewhere towards the middle of the city.

"So that's why..." she mumbled, trudging behind him through the corridor, following him as he led her towards the small wooden door at the end of the corridor. "Thanks for getting me here, I suppose," she said.

"Do me a favour and show up outside the central courtyard on time tomorrow," he said, shoving his hands into his pockets, walking away quickly.

Sora smiled, watching as he vanished out of sight until her brain finally reminded her about one important fact. "Wait... what time am I supposed to get there for?" She scowled, slamming her head against the door, locking it behind her. "I'm doomed," she grumbled, knowing she wasn't going to make a good impression on this Oz guy she was no doubt supposed to be meeting tomorrow.

Somehow she didn't think that was a good thing.

Sighing, she turned her attention back to her room, blinking at the amount of floor space she had. There was plenty of space for throwing clothes over the floor, and there was plenty of cupboard space too. It was a square room, with a small double bed tucked in the leftmost corner. Wardrobes and drawers lined the wall by it, ending with a bedside cabinet placed strategically next to the bed. Perfect for the alarm clock she knew she'd be dreading to use.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora