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The landscape in front of her was unfamiliar.

Jagged cliffs lined the edge of the cloudy abyss, stones crumbling underfoot as she climbed towards the edge of the clifftop. She had no idea why she wanted to be closer to the drop, but some part of her urged her forwards.

"Hello?" Sora called, peering across the chasm at the other side. It was a mirror image of the cliffs on her side, but with one clear distinct difference—the people.

Fog rolled over the lower cliff directly opposite her, concealing the figure in its midst... but the two others were visible, just about.

She turned, staring up at the man sitting atop the clifftop to her side.

His legs dangled over the gigantic drop, his golden hair ruffling in the slight wind blowing through the crevasse separating them from the other side. He was tall, his features barely visible with the distance between them... and there didn't seem to be any way to climb up to him. Not without possibly falling and breaking a few limbs.

A woman was opposite him, staring down at the crevasse between them. Long silver hair fell past her shoulders, fluttering about in the breeze as she stood, arms folded.

Something told Sora she should know the two of them... but she couldn't figure out why, or even how.

Movement lower on the cliff made her eyes flicker down from the two people high above them, locking on the swirling fog across form her. The wind buffeted it back, revealing a tall silver-haired man standing there, silver eyes locked on something behind her... but the that same something also told her he wasn't what she was looking for.

It was proven right seconds later.

A set of glowing silver eyes in the fog were the first and last things she saw as a hand landed on her shoulder.

Sora spun, her gaze locking on the man at her side.

Golden eyes peered into her own, a smile pulling at his lips as he stared down at her. Golden locks rustled in the wind, half concealing his face as he spoke. "So you found your way here already, huh, kiddo?"

"Who are you?" she asked, staring at him.

"When you find that out, you'll probably be ready to come back here... but for now..." He reached towards her, planting one hand on her shoulder and pushing. "I'm sure we'll all see you again soon, Sora... You aren't ready for the clash of Gold and Silver just yet..."

She blinked, arms flailing to regain her balance as she toppled over the edge of the cliff and into the abyss below.

She fell, staring up at the cloudy sky above her, feeling their gazes on her as she disappeared into the dark depths... and she kept falling.

Rather than the hard impact at the bottom she was expecting at the bottom, though, her back met something oddly comfortable and mattress-like.

Her eyes snapped open, unaware they'd been shut, blinking as they focused on the ceiling above her.

Just a dream.

Sora sat up with a start, breathing heavily as her heart pounded, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar room. Soft snorts next to her yanked her attention onto the two others lying beside her. Silver and Raelynn. They were both fast asleep, Silver looking far worse than she did when she last saw her. Bandages were wrapped around her hands, her face pale, her breathing ragged as she lay in the middle of the large bed. Raelynn looked considerably better, just with a few more bandages than she remembered.

Still, Sora wondered why she hadn't woken up in the hospital, but Oz soon answered that question as she wandered out into the living room.

Beatrice was cuddled up against Callum on the sofa, and the twins were in a similar position on the other sofa.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum