Motivation and Failure

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Silver gritted her teeth, eyeing up their opponent as the flames protecting them died away. They were exposed, unprotected... but they were ready.

At least Silver was.

"You ready?" Raelynn purred.

"Of course, imbecile."

"We're gonna tag team it," she said, a bright grin on her face. "One of us dodges out of the way and helps the other into position."

"And the other one attacks," Silver muttered. "I know how tag teaming works, but your definition seems to be skewed slightly."

Raelynn smirked, racing forwards, and she followed close behind.

No way was she letting her idiotic partner take all the credit when Oz caught up.

"You're first," the grinning blonde blurted out, her grin widening – how was that even possible – even more as Silver prepared herself.

She was going to punch him.

And she was aiming for the throat.

Naturally nothing went according to that plan.

He was almost on them, nearly in punching range when Raelynn leant back slightly, skidding to a stop as she yanked the chain and then Silver tugged into action.


Her foot snuck out, arcing through empty air when he ducked back. Silver bit back curses, scowling as she completed her swing, her back to him.

And he was still coming towards her.

"Payback time," she muttered, jerking the chain taut, throwing Raelynn behind her. Silver grinned, hearing the sound of contact as she spun back around to face the battle. Of course, she didn't get to pride herself on their small victory just yet. One tug of the chain between them was all it took her to be thrown in the air. She spun, leg at the ready as she soared over her teammate's shoulder. Her kick would hit this time. She'd make sure of it.

Her foot slammed into him, a snide grin pulling at her lips as she pushed herself back off his chest.

Hands clamped around her ankle in answer, grip tightening before Raelynn wrenched her loose with a powerful tug.

Pain throbbed through her leg, and Silver just knew by tomorrow there'd be a horrible bruise, but it didn't matter.

The fight in front of her was far more important.

She skidded back on the rock surface, digging her feet in to find traction, eyes narrowed on her enemy.

Fire rolled down Raelynn's unchained hand, bursting towards him in a controlled stream – nothing like her own lightning.

Jealousy gnawed at her heart.

What she would give to be able to control her lightning like that...

Silver growled, running toward him alongside her partner, chain at the ready.

He might've taken away her ability to use her lightning with the stupid handcuffs, but he'd given them a weapon. One they were going to make full use of.

She lunged past him, ducking under his punch just barely, yanking the chain forwards into his stomach.

"Too weak," he spat out, grabbing their makeshift weapon, throwing the pair of them back. "You're a million years too early to even pose a challenge."

He was in front of her before she could blink, fist buried in her gut before she could even throw a reply his way.

Her breath hitched, the contents of her stomach pouring out her mouth before she could even try and keep it down. He hit hard – something her poor abused stomach didn't like one bit. She was winded, her breathing coming in short pained pants as she struggled for air. The world was oddly fuzzy, the temperature dropping oddly enough whilst she lay there, curled up into a ball.

They weren't going to win.

Silver scowled weakly, desperately clinging to consciousness, silently praying it wouldn't be any of her sisters rescuing her.

They couldn't see her in that state.

She was supposed to be strong.

But she wasn't.

Murmurs of conversation reached her ears, Raelynn's angry chittering voice pounding through her skull before the chain around her wrist went taut once more. She felt herself flying back, tugged after the idiotic blonde, and then the ground vanished under her feet, and Silver knew no more as darkness overtook her vision.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora