Chapter Five: Dragon Eggs

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"You can let go anytime now," she grumbled, wincing as Ethan continued to tug on her ear. "Ow, dammit!"

"Shush," Ethan said, leading the group of them through the streets. They'd turned off the main road, their two guides having decided to take a different route to the other groups which had gotten off the train with them.

Their destination was what appeared to be some sort of fortress with little turrets sticking out from the rather expansive structure. It looked a bit haphazard like it could fall down at any moment, and neither of the two adults looked the slightest bit worried about entering it. "Are you sure it's safe?" she asked, staring at the large oak door they'd arrived at. It was at least twice her height, and the hinges creaked worryingly when Cynthia pushed the doors open.

"It's fine, now get inside."

Cynthia glared at him. "You're going to get your eggs if that's any incentive..."

The scramble for the door was sudden, every single one of them charging for the door aside from Sora – who was worried the place would crash down around them with the amount of squabbling going on.

"We'll be dropping you off at your dormitories after this, so hop to it," Ethan grumbled, guiding her inside. "Now go and find whatever poor dragon has to get stuck with you for the next however many years."

"Personally, I pity your dragon," Sora said, flitting inside as quickly as she could. She weaved into the crowd of teens, soon finding Raelynn as they made their way further into the castle until they reached a set of doors.

They were taller than the other ones they'd passed through already, stained a dark grey, just a few shades darker than the stone walls surrounding them. A sign proclaimed it to be the 'Main Hatchery', and Sora assumed this was their last stop before they went to their new accommodation.

She only hoped Tabitha wouldn't be in hers.

"Dragons..." Raelynn mumbled, salivating at the prospect of finding her egg.

Sora was actually kind of worried for the poor dragon who'd chosen Raelynn.

"Now," Ethan shouted over the racket. He hooked a finger under the hyperactive blonde's coat collar, yanking her to a sudden stop before she could even think of setting a foot inside the room. "You can't just pick any egg – you know," he said. "The dragon chooses you, not the other way around."

"You'll know if you've found the right one too," Cynthia said. "It'll likely be the only one which doesn't give you a bad reaction."

"Bad reaction?" Sora asked, a sliver of worry cracking past her poker face. She didn't like the sound of that one bit.

"Oh, just minor burns, or scales pricking you... just small stuff like that." She smiled. "You won't end up in hospital unless the dragon really doesn't like you."

Sora gulped.

Raelynn looked far too excited.

Tabitha was perfectly calm.

She hoped Tabitha would get pricked, and maybe rid herself of that small smile on her lips when whatever little dragon egg did just that. Sora sighed, mentally berating herself. She wouldn't stoop to Tabitha's level, no matter how hard it might be to resist. Still, she wouldn't stop herself from smiling if it did actually happen.

What the baby little dragon eggs did was totally up to them.

"You ready, kiddies?" Cynthia asked, twisting both handles of the door, flinging the hatchery open.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt