Chapter 2

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As I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, I can't help but notice that no one's around.

I call out to Mom and Dad, but no one answers. Okay, that's odd!

It's a Saturday, my last Saturday here, and no one is around.

I open the fridge and scan for orange juice. I pop the lid off and pour my drink up to the brim. I sip my juice and begin to wonder where everyone is. I pull out my phone and decide to send a quick message to my sister.

Ok. I just woke up and no one is here. Where r u guys? Should I be worried?

Within a few seconds I get a reply from her. Wow, she really is a fast texter.

Just out grocery shopping. Be back soon. No need to worry. Heh!

Okay, so they're out at the store. Wait, all of them? I hit the reply button and send another message

Wait, why all of you? And why didn't Mom wake me? If you all went I could have came along too u know.

We didn't wanna wake u. Anyway gtg moms calling me. Ttyl

Just as I finish reading Ally's text, there was a knock on the front door. I walk out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

I open it and and see Marissa beaming at me.

"Um, hello to you, too," she says, making her way inside.

She takes off her jacket and places it on the couch before sitting down.

"I thought you'd be busy today—you know, packing and stuff," I say, sitting down as well.

"Oh, yeah, I'm actually almost done with that, but I have some news that cannot wait so I decided to come over instead of text. I know you like face-to-face conversations better, so I came over," she said, flashing a smile at me.

I sit quietly beside her, waiting for her to tell me the news. She just keeps smiling, so I nudge her and tell her to get on with it.

"Okay, so you know that I applied to two universities and had just got my reply from WCU? Well, turns out my acceptance letter from Stafford University got lost in the mail and just turned up today. I opened it and I got in!" Marissa gushes, holding my hands in hers.

I can't help but feel a little bummed over the fact that she's going to Stafford now.

"So you're going to Stafford now? I thought you wanted to go to WCU more," I say slowly, slightly puzzled.

"Yeah, at first, but then I got to know of a really great fashion program they have going on at Stafford, and it would really be a great opportunity for me. They even offer attachments to work for designers for the students that show real potential, it's amazing. I'd so hope to get that far," Marissa tells me. I can see the excitement in her eyes as she talks about what she wants to pursue.

"Okay, now tell me what you think about everything I just said, Kaia," Marissa says to me with hopeful eyes.

Life Of Kaia (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora