Chapter 67

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Monday 11:50am

Okay, this is it. Do not screw it up Kaia. Take your time. Read, read, read! Do not rush. Okay, breathe. You can do this. You can do this.

× ×

I glanced over at Todd, he was dozing off to sleep. I suppose he didn't get much sleep last night. Speaking of which, I stayed up till 2am trying to cram everything last minute.

Thank goodness the time passes fast enough. I go over everything I've written, checking and re-checking. I can't afford to make any silly mistakes. Soon as the gigantic clock hits 12 o'clock, everyone rushes out of their seats and straight to the door, passing their papers on the way out.

"That was brutal! I just know I'm gonna get a zero, just wait for it" Todd said, typing away on his phone.

"I hope I did okay. ..I didn't know as much as I had hoped I would" I said truthfully.

"You're probably gonna score highest. No doubt about that" Todd said, still looking down. How does he know how to walk without bumping into anyone?

"Todd, who are you texting?" I asked curiously. He was smiling like mad at his phone.

"Well, now that you've asked I'll have to tell you" Todd said with a sly look on his face.

"Okay then, spill!" I said, eager to know who it was.

"You'll get to meet him soon, don't worry" He replied, draping an arm over my shoulder.

"What? I'm pretty sure I asked for a name" I said, stopping in my tracks to look at Todd who was definitely blushing.

"Just keep moving!" He said, pushing me down the walkway, laughing.

× × ×

"What's up with you two?" Dani asked as Todd and I entered the Cafe laughing hysterically.

I took a seat opposite Dani and Todd slid in beside her.

"Todd's being mean" I said, pulling out my phone from my bag.

"He's always mean, what's new?" Dani said, siding Todd.

"Ha ha, very funny Danielle" Todd said in a sarcastic tone.

"Guys, Elena's farewell is this Saturday. You got your outfits picked out or do we need a trip to the mall?" I asked, scrolling through the planner on my phone.

"Hmm. ..mall, definitely" Dani said, slurping her milkshake.

Suddenly Todd looked up and gasped.

"Woahh, a snake just slithered in. Don't look, Kaia" He said, pretending to look at his phone but glancing up every few seconds.

"Seriously, Todd? Slithered in?" Dani said and we all burst out laughing.

"Shush, she's heading this way" Todd said in a hushed tone.

Few seconds later a slim figure with long colored hair and a leather jacket stood by our table, looking at me. She had a coffee in her hand and her phone in the other. I glanced up at her and immediately sighed.

"What do you want, Yvonne?" I asked, uninterested. I swear, if she asks me about Alexis again.

"Jeez, calm down sweetie! I heard about Ash" she said, sipping on her coffee.

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