Chapter 80

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As I lay in my old bed, drowning myself in my Coldplay Playlist-- I think of how much I've changed since I left home.

I don't know how long I've been sulking in my room, but I'm starving so it must be past lunch time. I thought I would be happy here. .turns out, I'm not!

I continue to ask myself the same questions over and over again, trying to understand why I do the things I do.

Why do I run when things get rough?

Why can't I forgive and forget?

Why do I shut Ash out so much?

I wish I knew all the answers so I could understand the situation and know how to mend things, but I don't.

Is it because I'm not used to being lied to and hurt by someone I love?

It used to be that way but my dad's changed that already.

Is it because my life is suddenly not as perfect as it was when I started at WCU?

I'm wrecking my brains trying to figure out the root of all this.

"Sis?" Ally calls out cheerfully, rushing towards me. Guess it's past lunch time too.

"Allyson!" I gush, sitting upright to hug her.

She hurries over to my bed and collapses into my arms, smiling. Guess she was missing me as bad as I was missing her.

"I'm so glad you're here! I have stuff to tell you. Heaps!" She gushes, breaking from our hug.

"Well, I'll have time to hear about it. I have a whole month" I tell her with a smile.

"I wanna catch up with you, but I think there's someone else who should cut infront of me" she says, looking at the door.

Ally stands and heads out the door without another word. I sit there wondering who it could be. I fidget with my furry pillow, kind of nervous.

My door slams shut all of a sudden and I turn quickly to see who it is.

"Dani?!" I exclaim, standing up from my bed.

"Yes, Dani" she snaps, walking towards me. "The best friend you totally forgot about."

"Dani, I'm sorry" I begin, running a trembling hand through my hair. "I only told Todd about it because I knew you were gonna be with West and I knew Ash would show up. I just. .I just--"

"Just what, Kaia? You didn't even tell me you were coming here, girl!" Dani says, moving closer to sit on my bed.

"I know, I know. I didn't know what I was thinking. You're my best friend. .and I'm sorry" I apologize, hoping she'd forgive me.

I reach out to hold her hand. She gives mine a little squeeze before entwining our fingers.

"I just needed to get away. I'm sorry Dani, I really am. And I'm sorry for running to Todd and making him keep it a secret. I've been a horrible person, really."

"I get it! And even though I wanna be mad at you. .girl, I can't! I love you, okay? I could never stay mad at you" Dani says, before wrapping me up in a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her neck and close my eyes, glad I've sorted things out with her.

"I love you too, Danielle" I mutter, my chin resting on her shoulder.

"Now! I could stay and cuddle like this but I also have somewhere to be. Meet me tonight at that Sand Bar place?"

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