Chapter 8

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Stranger's P.O.V:
I sit and drink my beer in the same spot all night. Usually I go wherever these sl**s take me, but tonight I don't feel like it. No one interests me anymore.

I bring out my phone and see three new messages. I take a look at them without opening, all from people I don't know--girls inviting me over tonight. I can't even remember any of them, picture or not, it's all still a blur.

They were probably from last night at the club. I send a message to Elena inviting her and her girlfriend over to the Sand Bar for a few drinks with me.

She replies and says they'll be here in about half an hour. On that note, I slip my phone back into my pocket and focus on the angel walking towards me.

It's her. The girl from earlier. I wonder where she'd run off to earlier?

She smiles at me once she knows I'm looking right at her. I'm not drunk, but I feel f*****g gone when she smiles.

Although I feel like taking her home tonight, I could never date a girl like her. She's too good, too pure--I'll never be able to give her what she deserves, so I decide not to smile back at her even though I'm ready to listen to what she has to say.

"Um... hi," she says, looking down at the ground.

I can tell she's shy. She's probably never talked to that many guys before.

"About earlier... I'm sorry for shouting at you about the table. It's just that you were rude to cut past me like that," she says, this time looking me right in the eyes.

Oh, this girl is good. Just when I thought she was shy, she looks me dead in the eye.

I can't figure her out.

"Hello?" she says, waving her small arms in front of my face. I'm so taken back by her beauty I forgot she must have stopped talking by now.

"It's cool. No need to apologise. I should apologise, it's just that I didn't see you there. Maybe if you were a little taller I would have seen you and I would have found another table," I say to her before finishing my beer.

"Oh, so it's my fault now?" She says to me, crossing her arms in front of her.

The way her arms are folded makes her breasts pop out a bit. She doesn't know what she's doing to me.

I continue to stare at her, unable to think of what to say. I feel way more drunk than I should be right now.

"Hey, man," someone says, and I turn to see Elena and her girlfriend have arrived.

Elena joins me on the other stool and her girlfriend goes off to find a stool for herself.

Elena extends her hand out to this pretty stranger.

"Hi, I'm Elena."

And all she replies with while narrowing her pretty grey eyes at me was, "Hi, I'm leaving."

With that, she turned around and walked out of the Sand Bar.

"Ooh, feisty, where'd you get that one from?" Elena says to me.

"I have no f*****g idea where she came from. I didn't even get her name. But I don't think I'll be able to forget her," I told Elena.

"Yeah, I wouldn't forget her either," Elena says, laughing.

I laugh out loud and push her arm. I stand from my seat and straighten my shirt.

"Where are you going? I just got here," Elena says.

"Chill. I'm just going to find out her name. Be back in a sec," I reply, rushing out of the Sand Bar.

I look around the beach for this mysterious stranger, but can't find her anywhere. I look at the benches outside the bar, but she isn't there.

Wait, why am I wasting my time on that feisty girl? I can have any girl I want and I'm here in the middle of the beach with sand in my shoes looking for someone I've probably pissed off with my attitude.

Oh, f**k this, I'm out.

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