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I struggle to keep my eyes open and my body feels tired despite the fact that I had spent most of the time this week sleeping away without a care of anything in this world.

Soon your Winter Break will be over, I remind myself and with a strong will to spend the rest of my day productively, I stifle a yawn and then with a lot of effort succeed in moving my lazy behind out of bed.

My phone beeps and its my colleague cum good-friend calling.

We speak for some time and she laughs at how her current routine is pretty much same as mine.

Wake up. Eat. Browse. Pray at right times. Sleep. Repeat.

She also tells me about the news that the entire town is hyped about. It's about the local library cum madrasa and the events they have come up with. From annual competitions to monthly fund-raisers, from weekly motivational sessions (in the light of Islam) to daily Islamic lectures and Quran classes, they have it all planned through and through.

Since teaching is a time consuming job and we are busy most of the day, as per her suggestion, I agree to sign our names up for the weekly lectures.

Adrenaline pumps through me upon learning that that the first session starts today.

For some time, I have been feeling pretty low. Both mentally and spiritually. I think that explains why I'm buzzing with joy at the thought of attending these lessons.

And right now, I have no idea of the changes -- if any -- it's going to bring in my life.

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