~ T h i r t e e n ~

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After hours and hours of putting pressure on my brain cells and reading a lot of articles related to Love Vs Attraction, I finally come to a conclusion that my sister was indeed right.

I liked him. I still do.

I thought it was love. I convinced myself that I was in love. When in reality, it was just a crush. A serious one, but a crush nonetheless. Mere attraction. Admiration even.

I was in love with the idea of love.

I have no doubt in my mind that MBBS is a wonderful person especially after it being confirmed by my sister and no matter how much I respect and admire him, I'll just have to move on and accept the fact that we aren't meant to be.

So with a heart slightly broken, I do what a sane person would. I do not dwell in the past and 'what ifs' and instead try to focus on the present.

Baba vouches for my fiancé and that is saying something. I trust my father and truly accept his choice for me.

With the previous chapter finally closed, I now feel ready to turn the page of the book that is my life.

My beautiful life.

Written and planned carefully by my Rabb.


Somewhat not satisfied with this part. :////

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