~ F o u r ~

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Life goes on uneventful as usual except for the weekly lectures that, to my utter stupefacion, have become the highlight of my existence.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about that voice and now as I sit here awaiting the lecture to begin, try as I might, I can't stop my stomach from doing weird flips as soon as it booms through the speakers.

The speaker talks about the state of our ummah, the oppression faced by millions of Muslims around the world and the voice now sounds like that of a deeply pained man.

As he goes on, his voice soft, he lets out a low sob and that itself is enough for heavy tears to rush down my eyes.

The effect the voice has on me is beyond my understanding. To tone down the impact, I remind myself that I know nothing about its owner but in vain.

I don't even know his name for God's sake, forget other things.

All I know is that a voice deeper than an ocean has the ability to wreak havoc on my heart and before I can control any of these feelings, the hopeless little girl in me is too far gone.

Letting You GoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang