Presant day

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"Hey there beautiful"

"Hi. I don't really have time for this Shane." I say sliding him the coffee across the table.

"Time for what, sweetheart?" came his smug reply.

I just roll my eyes and go on to the next person in line. "What would you like?"

"Thalia Grace Jenson?"

My head snaps up to a guy that couldn't be much older than me, looking expectantly at me.

"Hey, Sall? I'm gonna take off a minute early... can you cover me?" I say, never taking my eyes off the mystery man.

"Sure... uh, Rory? Are you alright?" she asks

"Just fine" I say through gritted teeth

I walk to the ally out near the café, expecting the stranger to follow.

They've found me... after all this time. All the moving and name changing.

I suddenly turn on him.

(Anders pov.)

"J? Jayjay? baby?"

"What Lexi!?" this girl will be the death of me (and not in a good way, literally) if I can't ditch her soon.

"Have you been lessing? I wanna go home. Now." She says leaning on me so that her boobs looked like they were the size of Texas.

I toss some money on the bar, getting up. "Call a cab"

"Jason Lancaster you did NOT just leave me at a bar!" She yells following me out. "I wanna go home baby" se says again

"Then go home Lexi! leave me the hell alone!" I am seriously going to kill this chick!

she stops in her tracks "You asshole!"

"Yup," I mutter to myself. Yes I am.

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