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(Thalia's pov.)

I shouldn't have said that.

Holy shit, I am stupid!

"'Course they'd send me to watch the Parasite." He, uh Jackson?, said.

"Parasite, huh?" I say muttering "dumb dog," under my breath, though he could probably hear it with the were-senses an all.

He rolls his eyes. "So, I'm either your cousin, brother, or boyfriend. Boyfriend would be harder to explain, and I'm guessing everyone think your an only child so-"

"Why would you do that, uh, what's your name?" I need to remember these things.


Ohhhhhh, way off Tal, well you got the first letter right.

"And, why...?" I trail off.

"Because I'm suppose to protect you. And don't ask from what 'cause I don't know." He sounds annoyed.

"You sound annoyed. It's not becoming."

"Thanks for the tip, princessa." he says, his accent- not exactly sure what it is- makes it sound odd. More like, pren-ess-sah, than an actual word.

"So, your not going to leave?"

"Nope, and you just got off work so, let's go eat." He almost commands.

"N-, I-, ugh! Fine!" No use wasting my breath, obliviously this guy doesn't care.

Fade to blackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang