Sharing The Past... Um, No

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"How many?" The lady at the front desk asks.

She has long reddish hair, green eyes, and high cheek bones. She's kind of pretty.

And she is looking, and talking, only to Jasper.

As we walk to a table, I take a moment to really look at him.

He is quite handsome for a were-, as much as it kills me to admit. He has simi-long dirty blond hair, and bright, dark blue eyes. He's not 'buff' but you can tell he has some muscle.

"Here you are." The lady,-Sandra, her name tag said- "I'll give you all a minute." Still talking only to Jasper.

"So, you gonna tell me who you are. And, maybe, why we would be 'protecting' you?" Only he doesn't say it as a question, more as a command, with a question mark at added as an after thought at the end.

After a while of silence he says "You ok? You look pale, and your not full," he lowers his voice as an elderly couple pass by. "Vamp, right?"

"Right." I say and my voice squeaks.

"You shouldn't be so pale then."

The waitress brings our food out, smiling all the way. "do you need anything else?"

"No we're fine." Jasper says shooing her away.

"Eat something."

"N-no, I-I can't, I-"

I can't even form a sentence.

My head is pounding, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I can feel my 'fangs' wanting to come out, and my eyes going wild.

I feel almost as if I'm floating. But, I'm falling.

"I-I need to go home."

I'm vaguely aware of Jasper guiding me out of the restaurant.

"Hey, Thalia, honey, stay with me, baby,"

Was the last thing I heard before evening thing suddenly fades to black.

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