Chapter 4

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I lay in my bed and felt lost. This house is so huge and still silent as if nobody lived here. I just finished with reading a book that didn't even interest me. I watched Netflix and even this didn't cheer me up. I usually always watched 'The Vampire Diaries' or 'Gossip Girl' but today it was different. Today I didn't enjoy anything.

When I couldn't stand the boredom anymore, I finally stood up and went down to eat, since my last sandwich I had eaten was about two hours ago.

I went downstairs and wondered where Daemon could have been. How could he ever have lived in this house alone? And where was he all the time? I would have died of boredom. My house was huge and I was used to being often alone but this house was different and not only because it's ten times bigger than my parents' but I just didn't feel comfortable being alone here.

I was in the kitchen once again and took a red apple. I left the kitchen quickly and went upstairs but suddenly I heard a voice from a room. Daemon's room. I wanted to know who he talked with but there was only one voice. Maybe he has a call with someone? So I decided to go in front of his door to listen.

I should go away because it is none of my business, but I just couldn't. Actually I'm allowed to, after all I am still his fiancée. So I have a right to know. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't tell me if I asked him. So I had to eavesdrop.

"No next week. And you won't even look at her. Let alone talk to her. Understood?... I know I have to do that... I don't know... Stop it Rob... That's not funny at all... See you tomorrow." He ended the call and I heard how he was coming nearer the door and I wanted to run away but it was already too late.

He opened the door and I noticed he looked different. He look relaxed, not firmly as always. He wore grey sweatpants that suits him perfectly and a white t-shirt which emphasized his biceps. How can a human look so perfect? I thought I was dreaming.

I came back to reality and when I looked up to him, I saw he was looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't even look shocked. But I could see he was starting glaring at me.

I was completely shocked. My mouth fell open and my eyes widen in shock. I couldn't even go away, his eyes were so hypnotizing and I was a little scared of him now, when I realized that he caught me eavesdropping.

I started to get nervous because there was an awkward silence between us. And when I start to get nervous I can say really stupid things. "Who is Rob? Whom isn't he allowed to look at or talk with?" I suddenly heard myself asking and immediately shut my mouth with both of my hands.

Stupidity hurts, doesn't it? You can be a real idiot. Instead of apologizing to him you ask stupid questions which you don't have to mind about?

"I'm sorry, I will just go back into my room. I actually wanted to eat something but then I heard your voice and thought... uhm... well..." I didn't know why on earth I could have been eavesdropping. I should have just went away.

Why the heck did you start to explain things you can't explain?! He was just having a normal conversation with somebody. There's no right for eavesdropping.

"That was my best friend Rob. The one I was talking with." He suddenly said.

"I don't have to know it. It's OK. I mean, it's none of my business, so you don't have to explain anything." I told him while I was smiling nervously.

"Well, I will go back to my room then." I told him awkwardly when he only kept gazing at me.

He frowned and this made me even more nervous. I bet he thinks I'm one of those women who think they have to know everything so they can gossip about anything.

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