Part 10

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After less than a day of travelling, we finally arrived at Carlisle. Jonathan was still sound asleep and his arm made it impossible for me to move out of his grasp. I leaned against him and observed the scene from the window. The village was bursting with folk music and people were scattered all around, hanging up banners and dancing. The carriage made its way up the hill towards the majestic castle that loomed over the village. I suddenly felt Jon shifting under my weight and turned my face towards his. He opened his eyes and to my surprise did not push me away. Instead he glanced at the window and smiled.

"Lowther Castle..."he began. "One of the finest castles in the British Isles." I looked at him admiring his historical knowledge. "Legend says that after the first Duke of Carlisle built this castle, the King at the time tried many times but ultimately failed to buy the castle for himself."

"I can see why. 'Tis beautiful." I replied.

"Just wait until you see it from the inside."he said and I thought I saw him form a little smile.

When the carriage came to a full stop in the castle's courtyard, Jon's pages opened the carriage and helped us down. The castle was even more majestic than from a distance.
I then wrapped my right arm around Jonathan's and we followed the trail of nobles waiting to enter the castle for the festivities.

As we entered the foyer, I could barely focus on a single thing. The room was beautiful, with bouquets of flowers in full bloom  placed all around the room. Women wearing the finest of gowns were chatting with flutes of champagne in their hands. The ceiling was sculpted to artistic perfection and the tapestries that covered the walls were uniquely designed. The room itself seemed glorious. Jonathan touched my hand gently to grab my attention.

"I want to speak to a friend of mine."he said as he motioned me to go with him. I followed him to the bottom of the grand staircase where a tall and handsome man was speaking to two other lords. Jonathan patted him on the shoulder and as soon as he saw him, they leapt into a long hug.

"Jonny! I am thrilled to see you could make it!"he said with a smile.

"Well, I only came because you were hosting. I despise balls." Jon replied. The man's gaze drifted towards me.

"Lord Noah Riverood, m'lady."he said as he kissed my hand politely.

"Lady Alyssa."I said.

"I was at your engagement ball but I left early due to other matters. I did not have the chance to introduce myself."he explained.

"Well we are here now."said Jonathan once again entering the conversation.

"Indeed. Which reminds me, I--"
The room fell silent and everyone averted his gaze to the top of the staircase. A fair lady in a dazzling gown and with a warm smile stood there looking directly at Noah and him at her. They held their gaze for a few seconds before the lady started to descend down the stairs.
He then took her hand and lead her to the ballroom. Everyone followed them and as the music started the two of them began to dance.
It was like watching the perfect fairytale unravel before you. They were both so in love and their looks were of pure longing to stay in each other's arms forever. My heart ached at the thought that I would never be able to feel like that around Jonathan.  A few more waltzers later, Jon and I were once again in the foyer. Jon was speaking to some British lords. I tried to engage myself in conversation with the Lords' wives but they spoke of political matters which I was not interested in, hence I ended up isolated in a corner until Lord Riverood arrived, with the beautiful girl from before on his arm.

"Charlotte, this is Lord Clairvolt and his betrothed Lady Alyssa..."began Lord Riverood, introducing us.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." replied Charlotte.

"You sure have a beauty on your hands mate."joked Jonathan. The words stung. He had not once complimented me yet here we were and less than a minute after meeting Charlotte, he had already admitted to her face that she is beautiful.

"Would your lady mind if I were to borrow you for some time?" Jon asked Lord Riverood.

"Not one bit." Charlotte replied politely and they were off. I let my gaze linger across the room. Jonathan had finally managed to get rid of me.

My thoughts were quickly distracted by Charlotte who was now standing beside me.

"Your dress is beautiful."she said.

"As is yours m'lady."I replied.

"Oh, call me Charlotte. Would you go for a walk with me in the gardens? I do fear these halls are a bit too crowded for my liking."she raved.

"Of course. I would love to."


We talked for a long time and she even let me in on the fact that originally, her romantic affair with Lord Riverood was only meant to be an act but she was falling for him. After convincing her that clearly he loved her too, I persuaded her that telling him was imperative and the sooner the better. Therefore, once we were back inside, as soon as we spotted Jon and Lord Riverood, we approached them.

"Jon, let us give them some privacy."I suggested and before he could open his mouth in protest, I started pulling him to the ballroom. A new tune was being played and I took the opportunity to start dancing so as to keep Jonathan away from the Lord and Lady Charlotte.

"What did you do that for?"

"I believe your friend the Duke would like a little privacy with his lady... after all he did not invite you just so you could spend the night tagging alongside him, right under his nose."

"Hmph, you must be right."

Wait, had he actually admitted that I was right for once?!

"Do not lose your sanity over this."he said once he saw the delightful expression on my face. "Come with me. I must speak to Lord Lynnard about a statal matter."  To say I was surprised is an understatement. Ever since, I had arrived at the Clairvolt Estate, he would avoid me or abondon me at the very first chance he got to go mingle with Florentina. Moreover, he had certainly never asked me to accompany him when speaking about statal matters with other lords.
"Are you coming?" he whispered as he interrupted my thoughts.

"Aye."I said and placed my hand around his.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedWhere stories live. Discover now