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The rainfall showed no signs of stopping. I turned to face the mirror and started to put on a pair of pearl droplet earrings to match the shell pink dress I was wearing.

My thoughts were distracted by soft crying coming from the crib. Still trying to put on my left earring, I walked over to the crib to find my young son fidgeting around in his blanket. As soon as he saw me, he opened his eyes wide to reveal his ember irises, just like those belonging to his father.  I slowly reached inside the crib and picked him up gently and held him up close to my chest.

I was still cradling him when Blair arrived with the heirloom shawl belonging to the Clairvolt family. I gently laid him onto the bed and slowly wrapped him into the shawl, ready for the baptizing ceremony.

Jon had a carriage ready to take us to the local abbey where the ceremony was to take place. He helped me onto the carriage and sat beside me with our son peacefully sleeping with his head resting on his right arm.

Once we had arrived at the abbey, we walked to the choir of the abbey where the Lord and Lady Clairvolt, mother and all of my sisters except Pauline, were waiting for us. Jon and I carried our son to the altar and the bishop commenced the ceremony. 

After reciting the ceremonial prayers and singing some traditional baptism hymns, the bishop gently poured some water over the baby's head and said,
"I now baptise Edward Arthur Albert Clairvolt in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

"Amen." we all replied in unison and then, the church fell silent except for the faint cries of baby Edward.

We had decided to give him the name Edward after Lord Jonathan's father and the name Arthur for his late brother. Once the ceremony was over, a feast awaited back at the manor. After dining, we posed in the drawing room while the Court painter painted our family portrait as a remjnder of this special occasion. Luckily, Edward slept through it all so we managed to enjoy ourselves without having too much trouble with him.

Later that evening, once all the guests had retired to their rooms, I was in the nursery rocking baby Edward to sleep in the dim light the candle was giving off. Edward had fallen asleep when Jonathan slowly walked inside. He wrapped his arms around me and pecked me on the cheek.

"How are you?"

"Quite good."I said with a tired smile. Being a mother brought infinite happiness to me but it also brought inginite exhaustion along too.

"He is an angel."he said softly. "A most beautiful being."

"I think so too..."

"Do you not think he deserves a brother?"

"Or a sister."I replied.

"That is not up to us to decide."he said as he turned me to face him.  Immediately,  I found myself lost in his eyes. We started kissing and tugging at each other's clothes as we moved into the privacy of our bedroom. 

"I love you." I said as he took off his shirt.

"There is no one else like you Alyssa."he said before kissing me more passionately than before.

                        ~The End~

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