Part 11

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Lord Lynnard and his wife were very... particular.  The lord himself seemed timid and very smart but his wife, who stood tall with her curls tied up in a bun with a few loose locks hanging at the back, was constantly talking across him and boasting about how she ruled the estate, subtly implying that her husband was ill-fitted for the task.  She also took care to point out that she attended the harvest ball only as a sign of respect to Lord Riverood's mother as she was against the idea of the young Lord being betrothed to a country girl.

"I think it is lovely... Love should not be determined by class or wealth- it is a matter of the heart." Lady Lynnard looked underwhelmingly appauled at my words.

"Is that a quote from a novel?"she asked with a hysterical laugh.

"No, 'tis what I believe."

"Foolish. Absolutely foolish." she muttered as she shook her head sideways. "A true shame for a lad like you to end up with a girl whose head is full of love and young passion." she said to Jon. I glared at her. For months I had been trying to earn my partner's sympathy and here in front if me this woman was tearing down everything I'd put into this relationship. I wanted to say something. I had to.

"Love is for the foolish. Power and wealth are the key to success. That is what I grew up thinking. And I still did, until I received news of my brother's death." Jonathan paused to catch his breath. "Alyssa here was not a woman of my choice. She lacked self-confidence, presence and womanly appeal. But she had something every other girl in my life lacked... she knew how to love. She accepted to be my wife while mourning my brother who was the love of her life and she cares for me so much more than I ever did for her. It is foolish yes. But above all it is a living necessity and so, I will not have you treat my wife-to-be this way. "

I stared at him in disbelief. He was actually standing up for me.

"I apologise Lord Lynnard. We shall have our conversation another day."

Lord Jonathan entwined his hand in mine and led me out of the room and back to the foyer.

Few people were scattered across the room chatting while holding glasses of wine in their hands.

"I am so sorry. I should not have said anything. It was not--"

"Stop Alyssa. I should be the one to apologise. Ever since we met each other you have been nothing but nice to me but I could never bring myself to marry the woman father chose for me; the daughter of a debtor. It seemed like a business transaction not a willing act of affection. I am sorry for remaining silent for so long about this..."

"'Tis alright m'lord. The date is set and the wedding will go on. We will wed and I will give you an heir and after that I shall stay out of your way. " The words made my heart burn and my cheeks blush.

"You would do that?"


"Thank you."he said and I could see the relief in his eyes. It would not be the marriage I would have hoped for, but if he could be happy, I could be too.


The night soon came to an end and I was admittedly upset that I did not have the chance to bid my farewell to Lord Riverood  and Charlotte.  Just before climbing into the carriage, I took a quick glance at the castle beneath the starry sky and smiled at the thought of Lady Charlotte and Lord Riverood lost in each other's eyes, fallen in love with one another.

We arrived back at the Clairvolt mansion in the afternoon and my eyes stung with exhaustion. I excused myself and retired to my room. Blair was there to help me out of my dress and into my night gown.

"How did it go?" she asked curiously as she unpinned my hair. "The Riveroods are known for their state-of-the-art parties."

"Ah it was a wonderful ball..." I said. If only Jonathan had been more willing to spend his time with me. "How do you know so much about the Riveroods anyway?"

"I used to be a handmaid for a noble girl in Keswick and she used to tell me all about the charming boy who was the only son of Duke and Duchess Riverood. It is very safe to say she had a soft spot for the boy."replied Blair as she looked at a distant corner of the room, recalling a happy memory.

"You seem to have joyous memories of your time in Keswick."

"Very much Alyssa. I was younger and I got to take care of a sweet girl as if she were my own daughter."

"What was her name?"I asked curiously. Blair sat down on the floor beside my stool.


"May I ask why you no longer work there?" I asked.  Her eyes widened. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"She died. Typhoid."

"Oh I am so sorry Blair!" I rushed towards her and hugged her tightly. I could feel her warm tears falling on my shoulder but I did not mind. At that moment all she needed was a friend; someone to help her move on and I would try my best to be that for her.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedWhere stories live. Discover now