Part 19

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A few miles away...

"I swear upon my life, your wife has returned here a few days ago and at this very moment is in the company of her father." the stable boy spoke as he looked up at the Earl.

"We must not waste any time. Only the Lord knows what that monster has in store for her."said Lord Jonathan standing tall on his black mare. He waved his hand to signal his men, most of which were also on horseback, before charging towards the mansion.


"Please father, let me explain myself!" I begged.

"Explain yourself?" he laughed. "It is far too late for that. You have mocked me and disobeyed me."

I got on my knees and tried my best to crawl away from him as fast as I could. He quickly caught up to me and grabbed my chin with his free hand.

"Trying to run away, are we?"

"Please, I'm with--"

He slapped me hard which left a stinging sensation on my left cheek. Tears incontrollably rolled out of my eyes and I started to shiver.

"Say your goodbye to this life once and for all." he said coldly. "You will not be missed."

I always wanted to die in some noble way; protecting someone or fighting for my country. Protecting my unborn child was not really an option. I also always wanted to watch them kill me, so I could die brave.

Hence, as my father slowly raised his sword, glinting in the light, I did not look away or shut my eyes. I looked him straight in the eye. This was how it would end... how I would end and my child along with me.

The blade approached me. Slowly at first but then picking up its pace. However, it never hit me.

I watched dumbfounded as three men tackled my father to the ground and detained him. My eyes then darted towards a fourth man; Lord Jonathan.

Without saying a word, he knelt by my side and picked me up off the floor into his arms.

"You... you left me."he began.

"That is all you can say to me at this moment? You betrayed me." I said to him.

"I know. I have sinned greatly. I have been dishonest with you as my wife and my unborn child."he said with a sore voice and tears in his eyes. He then let me stand up next to him and knelt in front of me so that his face was at my lower abdomen which only showed very little signs of swelling.

"I know I do not deserve your forgiveness... but--" he brought his facs close to mine.

"I have forgiven you." I said softly as I closed my eyes and could feel his tears dripping on my cheeks.

"What on Earth is going on here?" said a female voice coming from the entrance of the hall. It was mother, and beside her, Pauline and Catherine.

"Your husband was about to kill my wife and unborn child." Jonathan began. All three women widened their eyes at the mention that I was with child. "He will without doubt face all necessary charges which I will choose to impose upon him."

"But-- how can this be? Surely father did not know of my sister's delicate state." Pauline said as she stepped forward from mother and my sister. I was shocked. Was she actually defending father?

"Miss Crowbain, I suggest you watch carefully what you say as I may easily charge you as well for being a voluntary accomplice in this case." Jonathan said as he stood his ground.

"The man is unconscious but very much alive." said one if the men still watching my father's limp body.

"Take him to the local dungeon. I shall personally see that he is well-dealt with. And as for you my love..."he said as he turned towards me and extended his hand for me to take. "I will take you back with me, if you will have me as your husband again and I swear to be loyal to you so that we may raise our child together."

For the first time in ages I actually smiled. Jonathan had understood his mistake and had agreed to change. I wholeheartedly took his hand and let him lead me out of the mansion I once called home, once and for all.

I was overjoyed to be back at Brighton. As soon as we stepped out of the carriage, Blair as well as some other maids rushed to greet me. It was then that I realised how much I had missed everyone. Inside, the servants had prepared a lovely feast for Jon and I with all my favourite dishes.

Once dinner was over, Jonathan took my hand in his.

"I want to show you something."he said as he motioned me to follow him upstairs. However, instead of stopping at the first floor, where almost all the rooms in use were, we continued our way up to the second floor. 

"What could you possibly want to show me up here? These rooms are full of dusty old furniture." I stated.

"I have a small surprise for you because you deserve so much more than I have given you so far." He walked to the door and slowly pushed it open to reveal a large bedroom, with stunning wood furniture and beautiful embroidered cushioning and painted walls.

"Our room, which we shall share every night from now on."he said. "I had a French designer decorate it. I hope it pleases you."

"I am more than pleased. "I said, smiling as I looked around the room.

"Oh and for the rest of it." Jonathan said before opening an adjoint door into the next room. I curiously walked in behind him to find myself standing in a wonderful and spacious nursery.
A cot was in the corner by the window and several toys were placed on the floor around the room.

"I have wronged you..."

"But I love you." I said, cutting him off with a kiss.

"I may have told you that I would never feel anything for you but I was sorely mistaken. I love you too Alyssa." We kissed once again.

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