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The spirits of winners and losers alike lift through drink and bonding. For a night, the sterile tables and white walls of the Canteen disappear. Buried beneath linens and congratulation banners showing the Military Arts crest, with liquor and treats sprinkled on the tables.

As the winning Commander, I must give a speech to unite the two teams; we are all soldiers and Zerians.

"Thank you for your hard work and for making this War Game such a challenging event. To my ensigns, squad chiefs, and lieutenants, much gratitude. Special thanks to my fearless artists in deception, Lily Elp and her Special Forces. Last, to the rest of you: great job, let's banish the word 'losers' from our vocabulary since you made it so hard to win. Raise your drink and let's toast our fellow Zerian Military Arts soldiers. May God be with us in battle."

On the table, in a sea of happy people below chanting my name. Two stand as still as stone with silent glares—Mab and Seger—while Siobhan dances with a broad smile across ruby imbibed cheeks. My empty glass is my only concern; future retaliations of Mab and my sins of disappointing Seger will wait.

Graduation party over, our feet shuffle as if weighted, unable to coordinate with brains afloat in liquor. Seger and I trudge along the corridors. He more than carries me back towards my quarters, still in a state of glee. My mind keeps going back to the brief freedom beyond the uniform.

His sober eyes reflect outright annoyance with each misstep and wobble. Emboldened by liquid courage, I hazard peering inside his thoughts.

"Why are you mad?" I say.

"I am not." His eyes stare rigidly ahead like the hallway holds salvation.

"Bullshit. As your commanding officer...I require you speak freely."

"Since when is excessive drinking a requirement for the occasion? You're a leader, you set examples, and you made a poor one."

"You don't it looks, me not taking part in an event. The privileged, snooty Executive Commander Martin's daughter can't spend time with the lowly. It is our last rite of passage and a social building event among our peers and future teammates. The one time fun is allowed, you don't want me to have it. You fail to understand what it's like when duty won't let you be yourself. I have been holding back when required, and when I get the chance to be free, I will take it. Don't worry, these are the last moments before we get assigned to the war. If someone wants to hold my drinking during a sanctioned event against me, well, go ahead! I remember two people not enjoying themselves. You and crazy Mab. Maybe you should find her; she can be what you want!"

"I will right now." He drops my arm and pushes me against the wall. "Wish you luck getting to your quarters."

The walk now goes slower, but I steady myself against each wall. The thought of marriage is so terrible that my body tries to physically eject it, only to paint the wall with the contents of my stomach. I raise my head to check around if anyone had seen this new low.

"Valora, let me help you to your quarters." Luckily, it's nonjudgmental Lily. She doesn't drink; she gets her kicks off adrenaline. If the liquor released her mental restraints, she'd challenge the entire class to a weapons duel, everyone against her. Safer for everyone, she doesn't.

"Thank you—and thanks for today."

"The most fun I had all year. The classroom activities get monotonous." We chuckle together and while we walk, we discuss her sister's uncharacteristic display in front of the others. I struggle to remain upright, but I enjoy the light-spirited conversation.

"Here are your quarters, ma'am. Sleep well."

"Good night and thanks again. I could not have done it without you," It is nice to see her relax and happy again. She is my sister in parental loss. I knew her before, but now her anger clings and blazes during battle, and a shielded heart remains. Her sister locks the pain in deep, releasing it in cuts of slivered skin.

I open my door to Father, who sits waiting for me. What is it now? Is this regarding my drinking? Did Seger tattle? Can't everyone wait till morning to express their disappointments?

"Father, respectfully, I can't do this round of what-way-I'm-failing to apply myself tonight," I say.

His voice serious, "Adding 'respectfully' in front doesn't make a statement respectful. I must speak to you now. Congratulations on your win and graduation, but things have changed with the war. Your first mission away from Kavarka is in days. We will speak more in the morning." He rises, turns, shifts his weight toward his room.

I sigh, I am a soldier for life. 

There Is No Peace - The EOS Chronicles, Book One | SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now