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The Scimitar's thrusters curve in a concave shape against the hull. Its primary decks hold the standard Zerian functions: Bridge, Quarters, Engineering, Canteen, Environmental and Command Center. The style, however, departs from the austerity of the other Zerian ships. The ship's silvery gray skin was inspired by the stars Ila and I saw in the sky of our youth. Our unusual wishes for design have been honored only because of our parents' statures.

"Lieutenants Mab Rainer and Seger Hinds, I need the checks completed on Engineering's progress installing the amniotic cradle for the Caretaker," I say. "We are unable to communicate on board without that, it's the priority. Find out what is the problem." I understand for security reason that upon ship assignment your biotech will only work with the new Caretaker on board. But a backup communications method in case of problems would have been good from Engineering Division.

Mab answers, "Engineering insists it's a problem with Scimitar's design." Jealousy comes in many forms.

Seger blurts, "The actual flaw is with the design of the amniotic fluid absorption of the Caretaker's stem cells for space travel versus the one designed for our normal gravity. It is a BioMed Division issue across every ship." Forever dutiful.

"Lieutenant Rainer, be exact in your reports to an Executive Commander of Military Arts. If you can't be, I'll revoke your promotion. To aid in faster direct communication, distribute wrist displays to the future Executive Commanders and their officers. Get it done. I will be in Engineering waiting for mine. Dismissed."

I want Mab to give me a reason to dismiss her, but then Seger advances to my first lieutenant. The thought of having to handle either of them causes my teeth to grind. Complaining to Father, though, would be a sign I can't handle this mission. It isn't I can't; I just don't want either of them. After graduation, we should've been separated by our ranks.

They rolled out the list of ship assignments by Military Arts Executive Commanders first, then Engineering Executive Commanders to help prep the ships and lastly the three other Executive Commanders of BioMed, Spiritual, and Agronomy. I'm sure Father had everything to do with my new onboard Executive Commander of Engineering being Ila. It took the edge off, trapped though we are in space with Mab and Seger. Ila and I have always solved our problems together, ever since we first handled Aeryk. 

There Is No Peace - The EOS Chronicles, Book One | SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now