Deleted Scene

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My eyelids pen and close when a sudden bright light attacks it. I blink rapidly to adjust to the brightness until my eyes have fully opened.

I am on my bed with two layers of blankets covering my body. I grab my phone from the nearby desk and check the time.

It's seven in the evening. How long have I been knocked out? All I remember is the sudden argument I had with Zander.

Oh my gosh! I sit up and put my head in my hands, shaking it. What have I done? Zander knows that I'm he's mate. He has found out the truth. But where is he. I look around to see that he isn't here with me. Where is he?

Where is he? Where is our mate? My wolf cries out inside of me. I can here a soft wails of pain as she howls for her mate's return. I feel my wolf's pain as my hand goes to my chest, clutching it slightly. It feels like my heart has just broken into a thousand pieces.

He should be here, not to console me, but to reassure my wolf that he will always be by our side.

The door opens slowly and Lucas' head pops out from behind it. A smile appears on my face when I see him. Lucas always found some or another way to make me happy. His appearance brought some joy in me that I've never felt. Not even with my own mate.

What is he doing here? You cannot be with an mateless man in your room. That is forbidden. I block out my wolf and put all my attention on Lucas.

"Come in, Luke. This is room is mine as much as it is yours," I pat a space next to me as he walks in closing the door behind me.

He stands in front of me, looking anywhere else but my eyes. He has his hoodie on, and his hair is wet from the shower. He's dressed in fades denim blue jeans, and he has his glasses on.

Lucas stands across me and leans against the wall, putting his hands in his pockets and staring down at me. His eyes are slightly covered by the hoodie, making them darker than usual.

"Is everything alright? Did I do something wrong?" I couldn't conceal the concern that was heard in my voice. His silence was making me feel uneasy.

"You're confusing me, Al," he whispers in a barely audible voice.
Confusion crosses my face as I try to comprehend what he had just said.

"I don't get it, Luke. What are you saying? How am I confusing you?" I try to stand up and walk up to him, but I am stopped when he puts both his hands on my shoulders and lays me down. He sits down next to me and levels his face above mine, one of his hands on the side of my face, supporting him.

"Confusion is part of it, Alyssa. That's how you find out if there's something actually there," he says and I simply stare dumbfounded at him. Lucas has started speaking in riddles again. How I hate it.

"Huh," is all I say and he chuckles lightly and gently pokes my nose.

"You're quite magical. You never cease to amaze me, Al. You unlocked something in me that no one could for so many years," he whispers as his breath fans my lips, making me regret the position and closure we were sharing at the moment.

"What," I whisper to him and he leans in closer. Our lips are mere inches apart as he continues to stare deep into my soul through my eyes.

"You made me feel this way," he closes his eyes and hisses slightly before opening them again. "I can't breathe when I'm around you. All these things are symptoms I can't seem to understand. You make my heart beat faster, you make me breathless, you make my skin tingle whenever you are close to me... you've made me mad, Al,"

"You're not sick are you?" My hand flies to his head as I press the back of it against his forehead. He take a my hand in his and kisses it.

"No, but I've gone mad," he takes a strand of my hair and twirl it in his finger.

"How? Who has made you go mad?" I finally ask.

"You, Alyssa Sky. You have and me go mad. You know why," he leans closer and brushes his lips against mine.

"Because I'm mad about you. I really like you, Al," he whispers and places his lips onto mine.

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