Chapter 32 [2]

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I stared once more into the mirror, as I applied a bit of eyeliner, blush and lipgloss. Perfect.

I stood and stared at myself in the mirror. The new transformed me. I was dressed in a white dress that came slightly above my knees. It had a sweetheart neckline that barely showed any cleavage. My hair was tied up in a messy bun, with two strands falling on both sides of my face. I had plain white heels in that perfectly matched the dress.

I still can't believe that this is me.

The door to the bathroom opens up and Zander steps out.

I turned to look at him, wishing now that I hadn't. He looked like a freaking Greek God standing there.

My eyes involuntarily move up and down his figure, taking in his attire and the fact that he looked smoking hot just standing there.

He was dressed in a black one piece suit that hugged him in all the right place. His hair was slightly wet from the shower, making some hang slightly below his eyebrows. I felt like running my hand through his hair. In one word, he was dashingly handsome.

"Done checking me out, love," a smirk graced his face, making me realise what I had just done. I was checking him out, and he saw me.

Heat rose up my face as I looked am where but at him. In a few strides he was standing in front of me. He gently took hold of my chin and lifted my face, so I was looking at him.

"There's no need to be shy, princess. You can check me out whenever you want. After all, I am all yours," he winks at me, before heading to the door and opening it.

I gawked at him. Speechless. Not from the fact that he winked at me or anything. But from the fact that he said that he was all mine. A blush crept up my face once more. I don't know how he has such an effect on me.

"Are you coming, love," Zander's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I didn't knowlw that he was standing there all along, waiting for me.

I walked up towards him, making sure I don't trip on myself.

As I reached him, he gently took my hand, and intertwined it with his. He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed it gently. Lingering there for more than two seconds.

I counted.

"Come on. Everyone's waiting for us," he said as we exited the room.

My heart thumped faster as I recognised that today was the day.

The day I would become one with this pack.

And one with Zander as well.


Zander and I entered an auditorium. The pack was assembled, each dressed for the Initiation Ceremony. They all didn't appear to recognise that we had arrived, until Zander cleared his throat.

As the noise slowly quietened down, all attention was on us. As always, everyone's gaze was in me. I began to feel nervous. Regretting on the idea of coming to this pack and accepting to do the Initiation Ceremony.

Zander slightly squeezed my hand that was intertwined in his. He gave me a reassuring smile, showing me that everything is going to be alright.

Taking a deep breath, I smiled at him, getting ready for my Initiation Ceremony. Getting ready to lead a new pack and form a new bond with Zander as well as everyone else.

Zander led me onto the stage, our hands still intertwined in one anothers. On the stage was a small table that stood at the center. On it was a clean transparent glass with a crystal obsidian on top of it. Next to it was a sharp encrypted knife that was gonna be used to cut my palm...

Zander's voice pulled me out of my thouggs as he began to address the pack.

"Red Blood Pack. We are assembled here today for the Initiation of Alyssa Sky and Lucas Houghton. By performing this ceremony, they will become one with our pack. They will be loyal, honest and respectful to the pack and they must be ready to sacrifice anything, including their lives for the pack. Let the ceremony commence."

"Lucas Houghton. May you please step forward," Zander called upon Lucas who stepped forward. My eyes focused on him. When did he get here? He never spoke to me again after our sudden argument in the hallway when he left me stranded there for no reason at all. Let's just hope he forgives me for who knows what.

Zander says the vows, and Lucas repeats after them. He hands Lucas the knife. Lucas easily slits his palm over obsidian, letting the blood fall into it.

My breath begins to quicken from the sudden sight of blood. I could feel my forehead becoming sweaty. As well as my palms. I hated blood like I hated hell or death.

Noticing my discomfort, Zander squeezes my hand slightly, calming me down a bit. But my anxiety was still getting the best of me.

Soon enough it was my turn.

As Zander said the vows, I repeated after him.

"I, Alyssa Sky, promise to be faithful and loyal to this pack. With this blood I spill into the sacred obsidian, I promise my loyalty and utmost sacrifice to this pack. With this blood, I promise to lead the Red Blood Pack as their Luna and be prepared to sacrifice my life, whatever the situation might be," I finished off the vow.

Zander handed me the knife and let go off my hand. I took the knife from him, ready to slit my right palm.

My hands began to shake as the knife neared my palm. The thought of seeing blood, my own blood, caused fear to kick in. I held the knife firmly in my hand, not making a single move.

I look at the pack. Each of them awaiting my next move. Waiting for the Luna to finally be welcomed in their pack. My gaze fell on Cass, who has a sly smirk on her face. It's like she could see through me. Like she could see the fear that was buried deep inside of me.

I won't give her the satisfaction of victory. Taking a deep breath, I slit my palm above the obsidian in one go, watching as it fell into it.

Slowly my connection with my old pack began to fade away. The bonds becoming weaker. Whereas my new bond with the Red Blood Pack grew stronger.

I could feel the mate bond between Zander and I. It was strengthening through each second.

The crowd cheered in happiness as they hugged each other applauding and welcoming me into their pack.

A warm hand rests on the small of my back, ignoring sparks in me. Zander pulled me to his side, a smile on his face.

"We're finally one, Alyssa," Zander whispered to me, kissing my forehead.

I lay my head on his chest, feeling his quickened heart beats. Matching mine.

I finally did it.

I'm one with Zander.


Thanks for reading!

Finally Zander and Alyssa are one. How long I've waited for this day!

They are just so perfect for one another.

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