[20] Resisting Mr. Player (And Failing)

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Picture of Kevin on the side :)


Chapter 20

"Aren't you both the back-up's?" Mrs. Radley asked us.

Me and Kevin nodded.

"Well, you don't really need to practice that much, I'm positive we won't be in need of back-up's but still we'll have a few rehearsals. But in the mean-time both of you can go over back-stage and help with the props." She instructed.

Me and Kevin nodded and headed off.

"Aw, I wanted to practice on the stage and speak dialogues!" Kevin whined.

"Are you kidding me? Back-stage's way more fun. First thing, there are no teachers staring at you all the time. We can paint the scenes or something and talk!" I replied.

"Well, that sounds cool too. Anywhere with you"

I turned to look at him giving him the dont-you-dare-start-flirting look. He understood because he stopped.

"Good!" I mumbled and headed off, Kevin behind me. I glanced once at the stage. Dylan looked deleciously handsome. He was a very hot beast.

Wait, what?

Oh yeah, I mentally kicked myself. I like him, its obvious I'll find him hot.

Stacey was reciting some dialogues and Mrs.Radley was saying something to her. I rolled my eyes. She was probably telling her she should sound a little more subtle and not like seductress.

"What are we painting?" Kevin asked.

"Let's ask the incharge" we headed over to James, the creative incharge who told us we were supposed to paint the castle scene, the castle in which the beast lives. We nodded and after grabbing can's of grey and black paint we headed towards the huge scene. It was way big, we'll probably be exausted. I grabbed an apron and wore it. Kevin cocked an eyebrow.

"What? I don't want my top getting dirty" I said and turned towards the scenery we had to paint. I tossed Kevin a paint-brush. "Get to work lazy ass, no slacking!"

Kevin rolled his eyes and dipped the brush into the black paint. It was kind of surprising how much I had lately started hanging aroundd Kevin. Maybe because it was easy to not focus on Dylan when I was with him. And for that, I was really thankful. I mean seeing him all the time with Stacey or some other girl was torture enough.

We both pretty much got to work, momentarily forgetting we were not alone and it grew quiet.

"So, do you have a boy friend?" Kevin asked.

His question surprised me. "Uh...no" I replied. "Do you?"

"I'm not gay Alex!"

"I meant a girl friend you idiot!"

"Oh that, no. If I had, I wouldn't be flirting with you, right Alex?" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I shook my head, rolling my eyes and focused back on painting scene. Kevin was sweet and fun to be around, I'll give him that. Around him, it was impossible to get serious.


"What?!" I snapped at him.

"Paint in vertical strokes. You're mixing vertical and horizontal and sometimes even diagnol. Do it evenly. Like this--" he showed me.

"Whatever! Does it even matter?" I said continuing to paint recklessly.

"Alex!" He grabbed my hand.

"Kevin!" I said in the same tone and yanked my hands, causing some of the paint to plop on his shirt.

"Oops!" I exclaimed.

Love, Hate & Mr.Player | ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя