[28] Mr. Player In Love

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Chapter 28

[Alex's POV]

Next Day, I came to school looking like I always did, plain and simple, and If you wanna say it, then boring. I did feel good getting attention yesterday, but if I continue this over-dressing and attention gettting thing, I'll lose myself.

Those tight fitting clothes and high heels and make-up is not me. I am the girl who believes in wearing comfortable shorts or skinny jeans and loose t-shirts and cute tops. And no heels. Damn! My toes still hurt a bit from wearing heels yesterday to school. I wasn't wearing much make-up today. A layer of lip-gloss and some eyeliner-that's it. I was wearing a cute yellow sphegatti top and denim shorts paired with flats. I felt...good. My hair was also tied in a high pony-tail. I felt simple and I'd like to keep it that way.

Except, I'd thought I was through all those stares and whisperings and attention. I wasn't. Surprisingly people still were doing all things they did yesterday. Ha! Guess it took a small session of dress-up to transform me from invisible school kid to a popular diva.

"Hey Alex!"

"Yo Alex!"

"Sup, Alex?"

"Hello Alex!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing as I made my way to the lockers. People were actually greeting me and I had no clue who they were.

Whatever, if they didn't like me at my worse, they had no right to like me at my best. Besides, I'm back to my ugly boring self, there's nothing special about me right now. I don't know what the big deal is.

"Hello Alex!" A guy I didn't recognise greeted me. "Here, I'll carry your stuff"

I had no clue who he was and I was going to tell him to go away when my eyes fell on Dylan. He was staring intently at us. Hmph! He probably think I'm still crazy for him. Well, I still am. But he doesn't need to know that. Besides, who isn't crazy about him? His smile is the most amazing smile created by God and his eyes are worth dieing for...

Wait, I am supposed to hate him. I should stop thinking about him like this.

Dylan was looking at us. If he saw me with another guy he'll get the idea that I'm over him. So I let the guy carry my books to the first class. He was animatedly talking about something. I couldn't really bother about it right now. My mind was far off somewhere. Near Dylan.

How can he have this kind of effect on me?! This is not fair! If only it was a cliché romance novel or a sappy movie where the bad casanova changes his ways for the girl he loves. Except, its not. Its life. He will not change his ways and I'll never be the girl he loves.

I sighed. Somehow that though almost brought tears to my eyes. Almost.

[Dylan's POV]

Alex was letting him carry her books to the class. Who was he anyway? Some random guy. And she's allowing him to escort her to the class. Is she crazy? She doesn't even know him and--

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