[27] Mr. Player Gets Jealous

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Good Girl Gone Bad reached 400 votes, thanks a lot people!!! <3 xoxo *does crazy dance all around the room and blows kisses to all the readers and fans*


Chapter 27

"What the hell were you doing back there?!" Tia demanded.

"I-I...honestly? I have no clue. It was an accident okay?"

"Kevin and your lips on each other an accident, alright, but you kissing him-definitely not an accident!"

"Uh..." I shrugged.

"Alex! You are supposed to be in love with Dylan! You can't go around kissing guys..."

"Guys?! I just kissed Kevin. Besides, it doesn't matter if I love Dylan, because he obviously isn't interested in me the way I am in him. None of it matters. I need to forget him, and when I was kissing Kevin, I swear I forgot him for a couple of seconds"

"But...well okay, its Kevin and you know him...but if it would have been a random guy..."

I didn't say it but her words struck an idea in my mind. It was a crazy idea and maybe it wouldn't work, but I wondered if it would get easy to forget Dylan if I actually started going out with a lot of guys...Besides, that wouldn't be a problem at all, I'd got asked by a zillion guys already.

"Tsk, Tsk! Look who decided to act like a slut today..." Stacey's familiar shrill voice filled the hallway. Her stilletoes clacked against the floor as she evidently made her way towards me.

Some other day, some other time, I'd probably remark to her snarky comments and get angry or hurt. But not today. Today, I couldn't care less.

She stood in front of me, towering by a couple of inches. She oozed confidence in every gesture of her's. But I wasn't intimidated. I stood there calmly, acting confident.

"Hmph! Look who's speaking"

She flipped her blonde locks behind her shoulder and took a step closer to me, her eyes bore into mine, glaring.

"Now you listen to me Alex Rojers, if you think playing dress-up and putting on some make-up is gonna make you in anyway comparable to me, you're so wrong. Because you'll always be the stupid boring girl who was rejected by Dylan. He'll always choose me, instead of you, always"

I shook my head in disbelief. This girl was beyond crazy. She'd be good for Dylan, their craziness compliments each other.

"Stacey, you're the one who's stupid here. To be honest, you're the most insecure girl I've ever seen" and with those words said, I turned, leaving a gaping Stacey to stare at me, her features etched with shock.


[Dylan's POV]

Love, Hate & Mr.Player | ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora