•10|His "Back" Story

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"Mom, I don't want to hang out with him anymore," I whisper.

"I don't understand you, honey. You freaked out on your dad when he said you can't see Gray and now that your father is warming up to him, you're pushing him away. I don't understand so explain it to me." she wipes her hands with a napkin and throws it on the counter. "Is there something wrong? Did he do something?"

"He's crazy!" I mouth to her. "He has a split personality. I know it mom, I know it. One minute he's this nice boy that's very caring and the next, he's a heartless sociopath," I explain. "I think he hired that Ian McGill to kidnap me. Isn't it weird? He was there when Ian tried to take me?"

It's not exactly a lie.

My mother smiles and shakes her head. "You do realize you cannot fool me or your father? We know you weren't actually kidnapped by Ian McGill. Ian is Gray and you snuck out to see him."

I gasp. "Mother! I can't believe you would accuse me of something so. . .how dare you?"

"Enough with all that. You left the house, ran from a cop, and slept in a boy's bed. Gray told us everything and we talked to the cops so you wouldn't get arrested. Your father and I were going to ground you for ten years when it suddenly came to my attention you're just a teenager, and we've never given you an ounce of freedom like we have Didi because of your heart conditions."

"So I'm not punished?"

"Well I think guilt has punished you enough but, if it ever happens again. . ."

"It won't!"

"Good." she smiles. "Baby, I didn't want to ask but do you like Gray? I understand if you do. He's smart and -"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Mrs. Kaelin. I don't like Gray or ever will. He's just. . .I - I won't lie. He's attractive. Physically, he's the epitome of perfection. Tall boy with a cute laugh, deep voice and that curly, messy hair. He's what the average Mary Sue calls 'hot' but emotionally and spiritually, he's an idiot. He's unstable and mentally challenged. He doesn't have manners and he's stupid."

"Enough Gigi. We just returned from mass. Come on to the dinning room for lunch." my mother leaves me alone in the kitchen.

"I'll be right there, Mrs. Kaelin," Gray announces, strolling into the kitchen and I groan. The first thing he does is walk to my dad's secret cabinet, which isn't a secret anymore then he pours himself a glass of tequila. "Someone is having a bit of a tough day," he says and sits on the stool next to mine.

"Guess who's fault that is. An obnoxious liar called Gray Christopher Easton."

"My middle name isn't Christopher. And did you decide I was obnoxious before or after you told your mom I was the tall boy with a cute laugh, deep voice and that curly, messy hair. What did you call it? Oh! Epitome of perfection."

"You possibly didn't catch the part where I called you an idiot and stupid, did you? Oh please tell me you did. That would make me the happiest woman on earth." I force a smile, earning a good natured laugh from him. I bite my tongue to stop myself from pointing out the fact that he seems to be laughing more now. "Your middle name isn't Christopher?" I whisper, raising my eyebrows up a notch.

"No. Why the hell would you think that?"

"You look like a Christopher."

"That is nonsense. What do Christopher's look like?"

"Stuck up and narcissistic," I answer. "My first friend was named Christopher."

"Just because he sat with you at lunch doesn't mean he was your friends. You have no friends."

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