•20|His Jack Will

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"DAD, CAN I GET A DOG?" I ask. A soft shriek escapes Didi's lips and I sigh. My father glances at me as he maneuvers the truck into the empty parking space. The school is now quiet. The students and teachers are all in class, except Didi and I. We are late, again.

"You know I'm scared of animals," Didi says.

"I know but what if I don't bring it in the house?"

"Where do you plan on raising it then?" Dad enquires.

"Well, it's a gift for a friend."

"And how much does a dog cost?" Dad asks.

"According to petfinder.com, no shelter should charge more than 250 dollars. . ." I force a polite smile at the man and he shakes his head. "I'll get a job and I'll pay you back, I promise."

"You're not getting the job or the dog. It's too expensive."


"And your sister is crazy scared of them," he adds.

"This adds to the long list of reasons why we should get a dog. So that Didi can get over her phobia," I say.

"No thanks." Didi opens the door and hops out of the truck. "Love you, dad!" she shouts.

"Love you too honey. Have a great day!"

"Dad, I need the dog."

"Which friend are you gifting it to?"

"Gray," I say.

"Sweetie, I can't afford to give you 250 dollars right now. Your hospital bills are insanely expensive," he says, "and I'm planning on buying a new truck. I'm sorry. Maybe if your brother does win the bet, he can give you the money."

I sigh. "Okay."

"And oh, if something was going on between you and Gray, you'd tell me right?"

"Probably not."

"You'd tell your mother?"

"No. She overreacts."

"Okay." he nods. "Is there something going on between you and Gray?"

"Dad, I don't want to have this talk with you and no there's nothing going on."

"Your mom said you two were all alone in your room last night and I was wondering if you two have decided to do some things a wife and a husband should do."

"Ew dad. I'm not having this conversation with you."

"Why not?" Dad asks. "You and I talk about everything else. You can tell me whatever you want. I know you think Gray is handsome but I think you should look beyond the physical."

"Thanks dad. Great talk." I force a smile.

"Believe me sweetie, sex is a hundred times better after marriage."

"Dear God. Mom put you up to this, didn't she?"


"There's nothing going on, I swear," I whisper, getting out of his truck to escape the conversation. I pull my oxygen tank out and let out a deep exhale. There's an algid texture in the air. The sky, once an ocean of blue with a hint of yellow is now tar black, signaling rain or snow. People in Granville appreciate this time of the year. Thanksgiving passed not so long ago and now, by how detailed the Christmas decorations have gotten around the houses and streets, it's almost the special time of the year.

"Gray is my friend, that's all and I already told you I'm going to marry Dylan O'Brien."

"Yes. Whoever that person is. Alright, head to class, I think it's going to snow. I love you!"

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