•39|His New Assistant

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"Where the hell are you two?" My mother screams. I'm a bit horrified. I do understand my mother's frustration. I fainted and Gray got shot not so long ago. Every mother will go crazy about the fact that her daughter and boyfriend snuck out of the hospital, considering there's a snowstorm coming.

"Mrs Kaelin—"

"No, you shut up Cameron!" Gray's mother yells next, almost deafening me. "Why on earth would you sneak out of the hospital. You were shot for Christ's sake!" The woman asks. I glance at Gray, terrified that he's actually finding humor in this situation. He doesn't say anything, a smile just hovers on his lips as he stares at the phone. "Well?" his mother shouts again, looking for an explanation from his son. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"You told me to shut up, Khoè," Gray says.

His mother makes grunting noises on the phone, similar to a predator targeting it's prey as I place my hand over my mouth. "You are gonna get it once I see you boy! How dare you take Genevieve out of the hospital. How dare you leave the hospital when you're still recovering?"

"I now realize I made a terrible mistake and it won't be repeated again. I love you so much and it is horrible of me to disrespect you by leaving the hospital," Gray whispers.

The woman gives out a defeated sigh. "I love you too dear. I just want you to be safe," she says.

He looks at me and mouth, "I will repeat it."

"Stop," I say to Gray.

"Is that Gene—" my mom pauses. "Genevieve Jessica Kaelin!" The woman roars, like the Harry Potter movie when Ron Weasley's mother sent him that screaming letter for taking and destroying their flying car.

"Mom, I swear I didn't—"

"You swear?" she growls, "you swear? Are you crazy? How can you leave the hospital when you were literally told by your doctor that she'll be having some tests done on you. You know what, it's fine. You think you're so mature that you can sneak in and out of a hospital without getting caught, okay but you're completely on your own this snowstorm since you're so mature!" she says and hangs up.

I slap my forehead loudly and grunt. "Gray, what are we going to do?"

"Nothing," he says.

"What do you mean nothing. We have to do something, they're clearly so angry at us."

Gray looks at me, a mischievous smirk hovering on his lips. "Have you learnt nothing from me, Gigi?"

"What do you mean?"

"3, 2, 1," he whispers. The phone rings again. Gray clears his throat, winks at me and answers the call. "Hey beautiful, what's up?" he enquires. "Uh huh." he starts pacing back and forth. "Old Man Joe's," Gray adds. "Yep, I understand."

"Who is it?" I question when he hangs up.

"I thought it was your mom but it was actually your dad and he says you're in big trouble when you come home," he explains.

"You called my dad beautiful?" I chuckle.

"I thought it was your mom. Now I feel gross."

"Okay." my laugh is barely audible over the whirling wind. It pushes the window open and rushes into the room, leaving a trail of goosebumps on my skin blooming in their wake. My phone rings in my pocket. I hurriedly pull it out thinking it's my mom wanting to yell at me more but it's Alleya. My heart stops. I turn to the window behind me, watching the angry blizzard, the snow falling has become so think that the trees appear as white confetti. I watch as Gray runs to the window and close it again then I look back at my phone.

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