Chapter 22: Back to Lucas

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I came out of Starbucks and I walk over to the bench. I was drinking my Cinnamon Caramel Latte with whip cream and I felt my twins kicking. Lucas drive home from his filming of MacGyver and he saw me sitting on the bench.
-"Hi baby." I said.
-"Hi my beautiful momma." Lucas said.
-"The twins missed you from your work of MacGyver." I said.
Lucas pulls over as he got out of the car and he walks over to me.
Lucas kiss me as he felt the twins kicking and he pulls away.
-"My twins are getting ready to be born soon and this is our family right here." Lucas said.
-"You are so lucky to have me." I said.
-"You are just too beautiful with your brown eyes." Lucas said.
-"Sweetie, you're my everything." I said.
-"You're my everything too." Lucas said.
I always knew that Lucas is the best husband that I ever ask for. He's going to be the best dad ever and I love him.
-"I probably need help to get up." I said.
-"That's what I do to help for my beautiful princess." Lucas said.
-"You are so sweet." I said.
Lucas helps me up and he always knew that he can't leave me. Dad is over at my little sister's house and he was telling her that she has an older sister which it's me. Lucas knew that he was been thinking about me and the twins. I never want him to leave out of my side and he's my first husband that I love. The twins are making their little ways to be here soon and I always imagine what's going to happen for our lives with kids. Sometimes I questioned that in my head when there's other things in life that makes sense to define ourselves when we have kids to take care of and paying child support. I never think that other people who doesn't care about kids but that's very disrespectful to them.
-"Babe, you feel so quiet and you feeling alright." Lucas said.
-"Yeah I'm fine." I said.
-"You have something on your mind." Lucas said.
-"I don't know." I said.
-"C'mon baby, tell me what's wrong." Lucas said.
-"It's nothing." I said.
-"Were you thinking about me?" Lucas asked.
-"It looks like that you read my mind baby." I said.
-"You was thinking about me and the twins." Lucas said.
-"Of course sweetie." I said.
-"We're so lucky to have the same mind." Lucas said.
-"I always wanted to be a mom for so long." I said.
-"You are so lucky to get pregnant by me and I can't wait to have more kids again." Lucas said.
-"We'll wait a long while." I said.
-"Okay babe." Lucas said.

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