Chapter 4: I got dibs

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Chapter 4: I Got Dibs

Photo on the side: Adriana


Fudging Nervous.

        That's how I feel right now well not Nervous is more like a bazooka is firing shots in my stomach. Okay not literally but you get the point.

        I'm still in my car trying to control the nerves but I'm failing miserably. I just have to get out of the car but I can't. My feet were glued to the floor.

        Ok let me start from the morning.

        I woke up and went directly to the shower, and did bathroom stuff no need to specify what I did there because that is just nasty.

        I wrapped a towel around my body and went to the closet, I really need an awesome outfit for my first day from my change. So I picked out a cute white shirt that said 'I just can't even right meow' with cat ears and whiskers, I love this shirt . Anyways, I matched it with a black skirt and boots. I placed my hair in a high ponytail and put on a black bow which was the perfect match for my outfit. To finish my what felt like first day of school look I put on pink lipstick, powder, blush, mascara and eyeliner.

        I'm planning to meet up with Adriana and Justin in school, they practically blackmailed me into them being the first to see the new Amelia. But I don't know how to do that since it is going to be in school, and they are like a lot of people already there.

        So that's how I got into this position there is an hour left until the bell rings and I can't get myself to step out of the car. Okay  Amelia you can do this woo. Deep breath, in and out.

        'Yeah you can, now get out of the fucking car and go show does A-holes who the boss is' my wolf said. Now you know why I absolutely love my wolf. She is the opposite of me. While I'm shy and awkward, she's outgoing and a bad-ass.

        'I know' I rolled my eyes at this. I forgot to mention that she's so confident that it makes her ego burst through the roof.

        But I listened to her anyway and got out of the car. I slowly made my way to the entrance woo you can do it, just open the door and that I did. At that same everybody stopped talking like literally you could hear a pizza drop. Everybody just looked at me and I realized that I was just standing there so I made my way to my locker. Just like that everybody was talking about me, I mean I am a werewolf at least they could kept there voice down. I could hear everything the boys and girls were saying for example.

I hear some girls say:

        "Oh My god isn't that nerdy Amelia" Yes it's me bitch.


        "that skirt is like so short, did she went here directly from her street shift" The irony was that those were the ones who had the mini 'pants' that look like panties so I didn't really found that  offensive from her part and beside my skirt reaches my knee, her dress looks like it isn't even mid-thigh.

Now over to the boys:

        "Is she new, I would gladly give her a tour" He sits in front of me in History.

        "oh I would tap that" I let him borrow my pencil in Math and he still has it.

        "wait, wasn't she the nerd may I say I like the change" He's also what you may define a 'nerd' but I'm guessing either he doesn't know it or he isn't acknowledging it. 

        "I got dibs on her mates" He was my crush in 5th grade, good thing I got over him, plus isn't he suppose to you know wait for his mate. Sometimes people are disgusting.

        Yeah, I like there responses a little better than the girls, That is obvious. I didn't know I had a smirk on my face until i was changing it into a smile. I was making my way to my locker until I heard an all to familiar voice shout:

        "Hey bitch, now where the hell do you think you're going?"

"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil"

-Marilyn Monroe

Oh oh trouble in paradise, who do you think shouted out to her?

Adriana on the side->

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Song of the chapter: Confident

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