Chapter 22: I Could Have Ran Home

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Chapter 22: I Could Have Ran Home

        Funerals are depressing. Like really really depressing, the crying, the silence, all of it. But as the Luna of my pack, I want to go to the funerals of the Fallen. Which was only one who died in the attack against the hunters. Raphael didn't deserve to die that way but unwanted shit happens.

        I came to pay my respects. Harry couldn't come because they are releasing him from the hospital later today. After him healing and a little bit of checking up on, the doctors decided to finally let him go.

        After the service and comforting Tyler, which happened to be the Raphael's cousin. I was on my way to pick Harry up from the hospital in my funeral clothes.

        I am thankful that I put on my black vintage Chanel alpha dress and white pumps so I would look good. When I got to the hospital he was already waiting outside. "You do know that I could have ran home?" He says when he got in the car.

        "I know but if we ran everywhere, we wouldn't use cars" I said driving home. When we got there, he strutted off to our room and into the bathroom. I just started finishing up unpacking my clothes from my room and into the drawers. This is like literally really boring.

        I took my phone and put it on shuffle and a bunch of songs started to play I just danced to the music while organizing. After a while Amnesia by 5 seconds of summer played. Yeah that's my jam.

        A pair of arms wrapped around my waist pulling me against his chest. I spun around seeing Harry's smiling face. We didn't say anything, I just rested my head in his chest and we started swaying to the beat.

'I remember the day you told me you were leaving

I remember the make-up running down your face

And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them

Like every single wish we ever made

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia

And forget about the stupid little things

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you

And the memories I never can escape'

        The chorus sang. He stepped back and kissed me, it was slow and soft. That was until he pulled away. Then he kissed me again but this time it was more rough and fast he pushed me into my wall and wrapped my legs around his waist. When he pulled away his eyes were pretty much black.

        "If you want to stop, tell me now" He said with a husky voice.

        "I don't" I whispered. He growled and threw me on our bed.


        I got up from the bed taking the sheets with me, almost waking up Harry. I turned on the shower wanting to relieve and freshen some of the sore parts of my body. If you know what I mean.

        I put on one of my tank tops and sweatpants, and got out of the bathroom and no surprise but Harry was still sleeping. Sleepy head.

        I went downstairs and started to make breakfast. We have pack members who are willing to do that but I love making food.

        I cooked up some bacon, made some scrambled eggs and fried some toast. When all of it was done, I divided it in 2 plates and served me some orange juice.

        I left Harry's plates in the microwave so it wouldn't get cold and I took mine to the table in front of the sofa so I could watch me some Pitch Perfect.

        10 minutes into the movie, Harry entered with just some matching sweatpants low on his hips. He came into the sofa and kissed me. "Hey Baby" He greets me as he sits down next to me.

        "What are you eating?" He asks before I could say something.

        "It's in the microwave" I say. Immediately after I say that he jumps off of the sofa and heads to the kitchen.

        I shake my head.


"People say nothing is impossible but I do nothing everyday"

- Winnie the Pooh

This is the last chapter.

But I am going to do 3 Harry's pov kinda like a bonus well yeah that is it.

Song of the chapter: Amnesia

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