Chapter 25: "Say Whaaaat?"

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Autumn's POV

I woke up the next day with a strong arm wrapped around my waist and a hard, warm body spooning me. I turned around to see damien's sleeping figure and he looks so innocent and so handsome. He must be tired so i slowly and quietly slip out but his grip just tightens. I look at him until his eyes flutter open and those beautiful grey with hint of green orbs stare back at me blinking ever so often. 

"Good morning love." he says smiling at me and pulling me even tighter to him.

"Good morning." i whisper back at him with a smile of my own. 

"What?" i ask him when he just stared at me with a smile n his face. 

"Nothing." he says then pulling me in for a kiss. We continued to kiss then it turns heated and our bodies are pressed at each other then a knock on the door interrupted us. We pull apart hesitantly and damien stands from the bed and stomps to the door and rips it open growling furiously. 

"What?!?" he growls to the person by the door. 

"T-t-he l-luna has a v-vis-itor downstairs." the person by the door stutters and damien growls in  response and slams the door shut at the persons face. He takes deep breath to compose himself but his wolf was still fighting for control i think, with the way his eyes shift from grey to black. 

"D-damien?" i say hesitantly walking towards him and placing my hands to his chest. That was the last straw his eyes go full back and he pounces at me. 

We fall to the bed and he is kissing me hungrily and passionate then it turns soft but still passionate. I kiss him back and then slowly our clothes started to fall off.

"Are you sure?" he says checking as if i would change my mind as he lays just above me before entering. 

"Yes." i whisper to his lips before pressing them together. 

And then, yes, we mate. 


We have been in our room for two days straight doing nothing but mating, food was only sent for us by the door and even in the shower we get it on. Ok that was a weird thing to say. Today was what you could say the third day that we, well me, stuck in this room. By the second day i wanted to go out and breath some fresh air but damien being damien and a dude seduced me otherwise, i was happy enough to obliged. soooo, no complaints. 

I woke up and slowly got off the bed but i froze when damien stirred and growled in his sleep as if sensing i was gone by his side. I groaned internally cause i think my plans on having a bath just all to myself was going to be canceled, i mean i love damien and i love spending time with him but i just want some time with my thoughts. Then all of a sudden an idea came at me, i grabbed my pillow and placed it on my side of the bed and since it smelled like me damien wrapped his arms around it and cuddled with it. A small gigle escaped my lips when i saw how adorable he looked and then to make it more adorable a small ghost of a smile is in his lips. 

I went to the bathroom draw myself a bath and went in there, i didn't have to take anything off considering i was naked when i went out of the bed. A sigh escaped my lips and then i pulled my hair out of it's bun and played with it. I noticed the red tips that was in my hair now slowly working up ti'll the roots but stilll quite not maybe in the middle or something, it looked as if it was faded. I shrugged maybe it was just nothing dismissing my thoughts and put it on a bun again. I continued to just lay there eyes closed not wondering that i had slowly slipped off to darkness. 


I woke up again but now in a soft warm bed and i had on one of damien's shirt and boxers. I sit up and looked around the room and to the window on how the morning sunlight was glowing in the window. I heard the sound of the shower running in the bathroom turned off and damien emerged with just a towl wrapped around hi waist. His movements stop when he sees i'm awake. He smiles then walk towards me and crawls to the bed and kisses me on the lips, soft and slow. He pulls back quickly then walked to his side of the closet and put on just boxers. 

He finished drying himself and crawls back to bed and pulls me tight against him. 

"Good morning love." he says then tilting my head up to meet his face and kisses me slowly and passionate. 

"Good morning." i say after we pulled apart. 

"How did i get to bed?" i ask him while we were watching t.v.

"I woke up and found you on the bathroom asleep on the tub, which you shouldn't have done because you could have died." he scolded me and giving me pointed look which i just smiled at then it softened and he gave me a smile back and a kiss. 

We watched t.v. for about just another 30 minutes until we are at it with each other again. I am currently on his lap straddling him while kissing him with wild abandon. We continued to make out but before he could take my shirt off i pulled back but he just seemed to be persistent and kisses me on his mark. 

Oh no. 

I can't cave, i will not cave. I kept chanting those words in my head hoping it would actually come true. I tried pulled back wholly but his grip tightens on my waist preventing me to do so, so i kissed him and pulled back all to quickly. He starts to kiss me again but i prevent it by putting my hands to cover his lips. 

"Baby, we have to go out and eat properly, we've been in ur room for three days now." i tell him and he pouts at me. 

Awwww... he looks so adorable when he pouts. 

"But Snow..." he whined. Who knew that the big bad alpha whined? it was cute. I leaned in and pressed a light is on his lips but pulled back before he could make it to another heated make out session. 

"Please?" i whisper as our lips touch just the slightest, he groans and nods. 

He pressed his lips firmly at mine an i melt. 

It was safe to say we didn't even leave the bed for quite a while and after a few more this and that, i threatened to take sex of the table if we didn't eat cause i was so starved, he immediately agreed and told me to put sex back on the table which i only responded to 'feed me'. 

We took a shower together which he insisted and lasted inside the bathroom for another hour. I dressed in jean shorts,damiens shirt and just my flip flops. 

We went downstairs and the place was deserted, i looked around the living room and kitchen to see if anybody is there but there wasn't. Damien cooked while i looked for people and when i got to back to the kitchen he was finished already and we sat side by side in the stools of the counter we were eating on. I moaned in delight to have food in my system and finished all of it in just 20 minutes. 

"Did you just finished all of that in just 20 minutes?" he says shocked cleared in his tone. 

"Yup." i said popping the 'p' and put my dishes in the sink. Damien finished his meal and i washed our dishes as he watched t.v. in the living room. I finished cleaning and went to living room to watch t.v. also. 

Damien saw me coming and patted his lap for me to sit but i ignored it and sat down beside him, he growled a bit and just lifted me and put me in his lap. I relaxed on top of him and just continue to watch whatever was playing on t.v.

"Damien, where is everybody? i haven't seen any single person since we got downstairs." i asked him.

"They're out and doing there pack duties, love." he says concentrating on the strands of my hair which i didn't realize ti'll now he was playing with. 

"Oh, ok." i said contented with his answer. 

"uhm, damien?" i ask hesitantly not sure how he was going to react. 


"When can i go to training?" i ask him. 

"Never." he says coldly. 

Say Whaaaat? 

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