Chapter 36: "Pssh..puff.. psshh..haaa.."

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(Hey Guys and Girls! I am going to warn you mature content will be in this chapter i will put a *** just to warn you guys. If you don't want to read it just scroll along and read the last *** that will signal you the end of the scene okay? okay, okay, okay. Oh my ghad stop flirting with me. Okay I'm done. Have Fun!) 

Autumn's POV

The test results for the blood came yesterday and i was pretty freaking nervous to open the envelope, yes, i haven't seen it yet. Well i like to build up a mystery you know, nah I'm too nervous to look. So right now i am sitting on Damien's chair in his office just staring at as it lies there on the table waiting for me to know what is inside. Just like what Hamlet said: 

"To be or not to be, that is the question." 

but in my case it is "To open or not to open."

I quickly decided while i was amused with myself. 

TO OPEN!!!!! ATTACK!!!!!! 

I laugh mentally and made a move to open it, i feel a slight hesitation when i ripped open the glued part of the envelope and now to take out the paper/s inside. 

I scan the words on the paper and into my knowledge did it just say that i was... 

(I'm pretty sure your all expecting this soooo... let's just get it on.) 


I am carrying a baby in my womb, a baby that Damien and I created together. How? Well you all know how. I'm just, Wow! I did not expect this, well i did but maybe somewhere in the future, you know. We're i don't know just getting to know each other at this point but i guess babies can't wait. 

How will i tell Damien this i mean, i'm only 17 and he's only 19, this so Teen Pregnancy, in the eyes of humans of course but in our realm. You know Werewolves,Vampires,Fairies,Witches,Warlocks etc., You know the Supernatural Realm. 

Hmmmm.... Ahhhhh.... Nooooo.... Ehhhhh... Okaaaayyyyy.... AHHHH!!!! I GOT IT! 

His birthday! Maybe i can tell him as a part of my present on him. I've already set up the Surprise Party, no surprise there, the cake,decoration,food,music,people everything.

Already bought new lingerie for the birthday boy, seeing as it's tomorrow. Not his birthday but a pre-birthday party cause on his actual birthday it is spent with family and close friends. 

I need to go to the doctor, to know further on this pregnancy.

I'll do it tomorrow, i'm too tired and lazy to move from Damien's comfy leather chair, i dozed off without noticing that i did. 

I woke up with the sound of a door opening, I slowly open my eyes and see Damien on the doorway watching me with a small smile. 

"Hey..." i said still cuddled up in his chair. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked moving further inside. Oh No!  can't tell him about the pregnancy, what should i do?! what should i say?! 

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