Chapter One: Scars

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Alpha's Little Mate

Chapter 1: Scars

"You're worthless, mutt! Everyone in this pack house hates you! You'll never find a mate, you'll never be loved!" Alpha of Cold Creek Pack yelled.

I whimpered in the darkness of the corner, cold and scared. Luke always yelled at me like this, every day and night.

"Get upstairs to your room, mutt. Stay there!", Luke yelled again.

I scurried away and ran up the wooden stairs. I quickly ran to my white door, as I turned the silver knob, I heard someone walk slowly up the stairs. No, no, no, I don't want to get hit. I pushed open my door and closed it quietly behind me.

I walked over to my blanket. I didn't have a bed or mattress, I only had a wool blanket and my balled up sweatshirt as a pillow. I heard a faint knocking before Mia pushed open the door. Mia was Luke's mate, but she was only seventeen, and Luke was nineteen, Mia wouldn't feel the mate bond until she was eighteen. Mia peeked in, when she saw me staring at her, she pushed the door open wider.

"It's okay, you can come in Mia.", I said.

"Hun, are you okay?" Mia asked softly.

"I'm okay, go downstairs, Luke may hear you talking to me."

"Luke is taking care of Alpha business. Alpha of the Blood Lust Pack and his pack are visiting tomorrow, you will have to prepare dinner.", Mia stated.

"Alpha of the Blood Lust Pack is coming? I could find my mate, Mia!" I said excitedly.

"I know, Clare. Your birthday is tomorrow as well, you will be ready for a mate."

"I can get out of here!"

"Yes, if your mate is apart of the Blood Lust Pack."

"Mia!", Luke yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I must go, Clare. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Bye." Mia ran off to Luke.

"Now, I need to take care of my own business," I said as I pulled my razor from underneath the floor board beneath my sweatshirt. I carefully handled the razor before plunging it into my skin. I smiled in pleasure before realizing that I was bleeding more than I'd like to.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath.

I rushed over to my bathroom and washed the blood down the drain. I sighed with relief.

"Clare!" Luke screamed.

I hurried and rushed to the kitchen from where he called. When I finally got to the kitchen, the entire pack was there, in a circle, smiling at me.

Oh shit.

"Yes, Alpha Luke?"

"You didn't throw away the spoiled leftovers! The entire fridge is contaminated! Now, you're going to pay for our hungry stomachs." Luke yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I'm very sorry Alpha Luke. The rest of my chores were very long today. I was set back because of bandaging Will's arm. I will clean the fridge." I stated terrified, I knew what would happen.

"Excuses! What do you think, pack? Should Clare be punished?", Luke asked with a smile on his lips.

"Make her pay! Make her pay! Make her pay!", the pack chanted together.

"William, did that arm take long to bandage?" Alpha Luke asked, turning to Will.

"A few minutes, Alpha Luke," Will stated. 

Will was fighting for me. If it wasn't for me, he'd have an infection. He could've died.

"Well, Miles, help me hold her down." Alpha Luke said while pointing at Miles. Miles was about eighteen. Next to become Alpha if Luke didn't have a son. Miles smiled evilly before advancing towards me along with Luke.

"Luke, no. Leave her alone.", Mia said as she stepped out in front of Luke.

"Don't you dare command me, Mia." Luke's eyes flashed red, his wolf would take over if Mia didn't step down.

"I am your mate. Clare was bandaging Will's arm. If she didn't, Will would have an infection and would soon be dead.", Mia stated clearly.

"Will is weak. That's why he was injured during training! I wouldn't have cared if Will died." Luke said coldly.

"He is your pack member, Alpha of the Blood Lust pack would've smelled death and would've confronted you. And you know it." Mia said standing her ground.

"Get.Out.Of.My.Way!" Luke's eyes changed to blood red and he picked up Mia and threw her across the room. Luckily, she landed on her stomach and not her back. Her back would've been more damaged. Mia was knocked out though. Some of the other pack members picked up Mia and took her to Luke's bedroom.

"I accept my punishment," I said quietly.

"Will, grab me a kitchen knife, make sure it's big," Luke ordered in his alpha tone.

Will gave me a sorrowful look before walking over to the silverware drawer. He looked at me again sadly, before pulling out an 8 inch knife. I winced. Will slowly walked back over to Alpha Luke and handed it to him. Will looked at me once more before walking through some of the pack, I assume that he could not watch this. I would thank him later for showing me sympathy. No one else did but Mia. Luke grinned at me before I felt Miles grab my arms and the tiled floor met my face. I heard an evil chuckle as Miles pinned me and rested his knee on my back. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to come. I knew it would, this has happened before. Then I felt the knife's tip tickle the bottom of my back.

"Don't scream, or I will dig in deeper." Luke's husky voice was next to my ear.

The knife pushed into my back, I felt the cold, metal, sharp tip tear into my skin slowly. I closed my eyes as I felt the tears run down my cheeks. I bit down hard on my lip. I bit down harder, and harder until I tasted blood. I felt my wolf trying to shift, she wanted to tear Alpha Luke's throat out. I knew Alpha Luke was making designs and patterns, twisting my skin like the twisted, two-faced, Alpha he is. The pain was too much. I felt the warm blood run down my back and over my thin sides.

I blacked out.

--- Dream ---

"Mate!", I heard someone yell.

"Mate..", I whispered back.

I smell roses and honey.

I crawled slowly to the door, almost there...

Then, someone stepped on my back, pinning my weak ribs to the cold, hard, ground.

"Let me go!" I said weakly.

"Not so fast, Clare."

Then I heard a loud bang, as a sharp pain went through my skull. Before I fell asleep, I heard the door open and someone yell," WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"

Everything went black.

--- End of Dream ---

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